Surviving the Christmas Depression: A TonyG theory

Originally I’d made the decision to revive my xanga blog from a couple years back so i could get back into the blogging world and needless to say it was less than successful. I was impressed by all the new revisions the site had made but to me it just really couldn’t recapture the glory it held when i was back in high school and therefore i felt no need to push the fact that i even had one.

So now I’m here on WordPress,obviously, and I’m determined to get back on my blogging tip. I enjoy it too much to move away from it for too long.You can expect my insights on life, love, art, music, news, etc etc all that good stuff… oh and shameless self promotion of myself and everything that I’m affiliated with as well.

First topic is Christmas Depression:

Now I know Christmas has passed already, but I had to start off the posts with this because it’s just too fresh in my mind. Have you all ever really noticed just how depressing the Christmas season is? Especially if you’re SINGLE?!

Don’t get me wrong, I understand that Christmas is a time for family, but let’s be real, that’s what Thanksgiving is for. Christmas time is for the family AND the Boo.

Have you ever really listened to some of these Christmas songs? They scream for intimate company. “I’ll be home for Christmas”-The song is a straight up dedication to the singer’s lady “All I want for Christmas”-Vice Versa. Even ‘The Christmas Song” is a cuddle up, mood setter… ‘Chestnuts roasting on a mothaluvin open fire…” it Cuts deep, real deep.

Now me, I’m typically the one who’s straight with being single for the holidays. All I need are some good memories, good food, and a little eggnog and it’s a Merry Christmas to me. But for whatever reason I was just feeling it this year. Like the loneliness was just there. No ice skating, or walks on the beach with a cup of hot chocolate or whatever couples do during the holidays. And then I realized something, what if that feeling that i have is what a whole bunch of other people have as well if not worse? That would explain why the suicide rate sky rockets around Christmas time. I mean if i had to hear Mariah Carey sing ‘All I want for Christmas’ one more time I would have probably swerved into oncoming traffic from sheer depression… JK

But what do you all think? do you think that there is a connection with the mood and the music of the holiday or is there something more that i may be overlooking? Let me know.

No Bueno


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