Stripping: Could I really Support the Naked Hustle??

So thanks to the series of random thoughts that make up my thinking process, I started thinking about the types of women I would and would not date, even extending into career choices, and strippers came to mind, and then stayed on mind, and then i decided to blog…

Now I, like everybody else, has that list of people I wouldn’t date under any circumstance and only until recently, strippers were on that list. I wish i could say that I met a stripper who’s life story changed my life and now i can never look at strippers the same way again, if only because that would make for a much entertaining post but that’s not the case. In fact I’ve never even been to a strip club, mostly due to the fact that no one has ever made a convincing argument as to why i should throw any of my hard earned money into the air simply because ::insert stripper name here:: knows how to dance really well butt naked and can work herself around a pole. (If she could spin around that pole using only her teeth, i could probably be convinced due to sheer amazement)

Anyways, Here is my viewpoint as to why i could possibly be convinced to date a stripper…

1.) From a financial perspective, it’s a great business move: think about it, if a stripper is at a decent strip club that can bring in a high end crowd, then on a good night she can easily make a grand and that’s in a NIGHT. A grand could pay rent for a month at a decent apt, buy groceries, and put some gas in the car. You know what else a grand could pay for? College Tuition. So let’s say I meet a girl who strips to put herself through school… could I really look at her differently because she’s not trying to pay off school loans for the next 5 to 6 years after graduation? I could definitely respect that.

2.) Public Nudity isn’t necessarily distasteful: You know what you can find a lot of in your standard art gala? Nudity. Pictures taken of naked people, drawings of naked people, sculptures of naked people, etc. A Standard Drawing II class involves drawing naked volunteers yet nobody looks down on them. Nudity in the right setting doesn’t seem to be a big deal to a considerable amount of people. Granted, getting dolled up, dressed up, and oiled up to take it all off right before moving into your twerk team routine isn’t the classiest thing you can do but hey, we weren’t put on this earth to point fingers and judge right? Plus i can appreciate a woman who’s comfortable being naked. That means (i hope) that she’s comfortable in her own skin, which a lot of people aren’t nowadays and again, confidence is always attractive.

3.) Just because she strips it doesn’t mean she’s dumb: this point kind of coincides with point number one. Not saying that every woman that strips is a financial genius, or even smart with their finances. Nor does it mean that the strippers that do strip for school are using the money to become lawyers and doctors… However, I run into girls all the time that are going to school and pursuing difficult, head scratching majors but can’t hold a 5 min conversation. I’m sure that nights at the strip club lead to very interesting stories and knowledge about life that i’d like to hear about.

In conclusion, I’m not planning to head out to Tootsie’s or King of Diamonds looking for a wifey and i’m DEFINITELY not trying to justify stripping or even encourage it but i just no longer think it’s as cut and dry as ‘oh u strip? well it was nice meeting you’ kind of deal. I just think stripping as a profession is something we should judge on a case by case basis with the ultimate goal of discouraging it as a career choice… it’s just not a good look.

Oh and side note, TonyG’s amateur strip business, ‘Slap Fiyah Productions’ is being launched this year. All College girls that are interested hit me uuuuuup! Just Kidding

At the strip Club with GB

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