School Vs The Real World

This Post was supposed to drop yesterday but seeing how Call of Duty Black Ops has recently claimed my mind, body, and is now working on my soul (I’m booting it up as I type this) I’ve found it hard to make time to type all of this up.

I digress though, this post will probably lack the usual humor of my other posts only because this is a topic that actually kind of annoys me.

Shortly after Graduating High School, I got my first job at Footlocker which lasted about a week, mostly because i didn’t have a car to get me to and from work but thanks to a hook up from my best friend I got a job over at the Fresh Market as a bag boy. To keep a long story short, which i may or may not get into at a later point, I worked with the company for about 3 years and overall it was a good experience. I got to move up in the company, from bag boy to assistant front end manager. I got paid pretty well, got decent hours and they were very flexible with my school schedule.

It wasn’t until I left Fresh Market that I realized just how much school and work really just don’t mix, especially when ‘school’ starts to consist of upper level college courses. This proved to be frustrating because we all know how it is in America: Typically, unless your parents are living super comfortable and can support you, the average college student will have some kind of part time job to pay various bills,school fees, etc. This job will somehow find a way to fit in between your ever changing class schedule which doesn’t care about how hard it is to convince your job to work around it in the first place.

Granted the power struggle between the two isn’t so bad if you’re taking, say, six credits, but full time students like me who are trying to finish school in roughly 4 years have a harder time. There are jobs that I’ve qualified for but wasn’t able to get because my availability at this point and time is really sparse and I hate it. I got bills to pay just like the next person. Heck, I’ve been paying bills since I was 17 yrs old, and at some points in my life it was nothing less than the grace of God that I was able to pay some of them.

So Now I’m in my last semester of school, finding it exceptionally hard to find a place that’s 1.) hiring and 2.) willing to work with my Mon-Fri school schedule and I can’t help but myself anxious to graduate and fully immerse myself into the working world. I know people say that the working world is typically anything but fun but now that the school end of things is pretty much over with, it’s become more of an inconvenience than anything else to still be taking classes at this point.

In Conclusion, This might just be me griping about my personal problems but I really do feel like when you get to college it’s pretty much all school or try-to-work-and-almost-kill-yourself-trying, and unfortunately the latter is probably more of a reality than the former but what do Y’all think? Is it possible for school and work to somehow mesh and something not give on either end?

4 thoughts on “School Vs The Real World

  1. Laynia says:

    I think that even if you can get a job that meshes well with school, something else will suffer. Like for me, my social life suffers. I go to school Mon-Th and Work Thursday,Friday, and Saturday nights. That leaves absolutely no time for a social life.

      1. Laynia says:

        Yeah, I feel like I am missing out on an important time in my life. After I am done with school, I will go straight into working (hopefully). That period in my life when I could have been reckless and carefree was filled with work and school.

        1. antoniusdagr8 says:

          so is that something you may want to change or do you feel like the path of school to work is best for you? I kind of had to make the same choice about a year ago, of what was priority. doing well or partying. it’s hard to balance, ESPECIALLY with work


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