Environmental Singleness

With Valentine’s Day around the corner and all the single people feeling lonely, again,(though you shouldn’t because valentine’s day is… hmm maybe later) I decided to write out this post because I felt like it would help all the single people who come across it.

A lot of times people wonder why they’re single. ‘Oh is it me? is something wrong with me? what am I doing wrong why people aren’t finding me attractive enough to date?’ And if you ask yourself those questions and honestly can’t come up with a reason about your personal self then your answer may lie in this: your environment.

Think about it? Are you in a place to meet new people? Especially potential suitors?(old school word I know) If you’re in college, and in class with the same people every day of the semester, or you go out to the clubs and parties with the same friends, or you go to your job and you don’t find anybody attractive there, how do you expect to be anything but single??

The point I’m getting to is that you can’t hope to find anybody interesting enough to date if you keep retreading the same places over and over. Find some new places(NOT a club!) to check out(ie a poetry club,Art Exhibit)  find a new hobby, etc. Just anything that will allow you opportunities to interact with all kinds of people… people you may actually want to date/they want to date you. However, if in this part of your life you can’t put aside the time needed to indulge in these kinds of things then don’t be annoyed that you’re single.

I believe most people have that period in their lives when they don’t have time for anything else then what they need to do. If you’re going through that period of your life, why try to make it overly complicated by trying to find someone when you don’t even have the time to dedicate to casually running into people?? You’re not going to be constantly busy your entire life, there will be time to mingle as much as you’d like. Just something to think about.

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