Valentine’s Day: Don’t buy into the Hype!

I realize that a Valentine’s Day Post the day before Valentine’s Day isn’t the most original blog idea ever, in fact it’s pretty cliche so if I do anything Holiday Related don’t expect a follow up to it anytime soon after if ever(ie ‘Surviving the Christmas Depression’ will never have a sequel..) but I’ve never been a big fan of Valentine’s Day and I feel like you all should know why.

I’m not going to ‘attack’ it from the perspective of the bitter individual who’s been jousted at every Valentine’s Day experience, suffering one heartbreaking memory after the other… in fact, for what few V-Day experiences i’ve had they’ve all been pretty good. However, I still don’t like it and Here’s a Short List why…

1.) The Level of Hype Surrounding It: Have you ever stopped for a second and just observed how big of a holiday Valentine’s day is? The sales of stuffed animals, chocolates, cards,balloons, jewelry and restaurants skyrocket during the weekend leading up to and on Valentine’s Day and one year I was honestly tempted to buy a whole bunch of roses early then sell them off the Median for jacked up prices because you know people(and by people i mean men) are desperate to buy them. But it’s kind of like… why? Why is there all this extra emphasis put into showering gifts on your girl(more on that later) just because… your country says it’s something you should do?? which goes into my next point.

2.) The Pocket Breaker– We all know that relationships can be expensive, or at least circumstantially so and with so many opportunities to financially show your love for your significant other, why should valentine’s day play such a crucial role? You got birthdays, ‘insert parental title here’ days, anniversaries, ‘Just thinking of you days'(every good relationship has them) and Christmas… all good opportunities to drop a nice chunk of change on your boo, VDay doesn’t need to be added to that list.

3.) No one Chick should have all that power: Nobody can tell me that Vday isn’t a woman oriented holiday. How many of your female friends have you heard over the years complain that they can’t think of anything to get their man for Valentine’s Day? Pretty much all of them right? Oh your man wouldn’t be grateful for a teddy bear with a heart around it? You don’t say?? Because I thought that Vday was day to appreciate each other not a day of men lavishing gifts and things upon their woman. Oh and God forbid, God for-bid that the man gets the girl anything that even slightly resembles the previous years gift, because that could actually be a problem for this rather insignificant, commercialized holiday.

In Conclusion: I really and truly feel like Valentine’s Day should be not too different from any other day in your relationship, and if you want it to be something different and special, make it something special rather than go through the motions.. Maybe you could both cook a dinner together and spend the evening curled up and watch a movie, assuming you don’t already typically cook together that could be pretty romantic for both the guy and girl. Or just anything simple and romantic that you don’t typically do. I just hate how something so blatantly one sided to a particular gender is seen as a ‘lover’s day’ . If it is make it so, if not, don’t celebrate it. I hope any and all future girlfriends of mine read this so they either understand or prepare to be disappointed because Vday will not be a ‘lavish gifts upon you’ day for us, it’ll be an “Us’ day. Just My Opinion. Like it. Love it. Hate It.Comment on It, Or Leave me alone. Happy Valentine’s Day lol.

Happy Valentine’s Day Andre 3000 style

1 thought on “Valentine’s Day: Don’t buy into the Hype!

  1. randomthoughtsofISYZ says:

    even after reading all your blogs on numerous subjects, this blog struck a cord only because I have war going on inside my head. 1st I hate Valentine’s Day just as much as all the other single ppl in the world…notice i said single ppl because I seem to only hate Valentine’s Day when im single. I actually buy my own chocolate and watch a movie by my lonesome and just spend Me time with Me, Myself, and I. 2nd I happen to like Valentine’s Day when i happen to be in a relationship with a guy only because I like to think of cute and funny gifts to give him just to see my guy smile or roll over with laughter because my gift took him by surprise. I actually remember getting and ex-boyfriend the new CD of his favorite rock band cause I knew he liked them. Now for me all I ever ask for is a box of chocolates especially the box that tells whats in the chocolate your eating, mostly cause I like to eat them with my guy while we just talk and spend QT. So I guess one can call me a kinda Valentine’s Day Bandwagon-er cause I hate when im single, but I like it when im in relationship lol.


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