Vagina Envy

Take a second to look up at the topic title.. yeah I said it, ‘Vagina Envy’ you know similar to penis envy? Penis Envy, for those who aren’t familiar, is the repressed wish of a female to have a penis.. It’s a Freudian concept that delves off into a whole bunch interesting ideas but the focus of my post is neither on that or a comparison to it but of course an idea spun off it 🙂

I have what I’d like to call mild vagina envy and I’ll tell you why. First let me address why it’s mild. I have no desire nor did I ever have the desire to have a vagina or to be a woman. Women get periods, menstrual cramps, menopause, and your bodies pump estrogen which, from what I’ve observed throughout my short life, seems to slowly cause most of you to go crazy lol.

But the one thing I would want that is almost entirely woman exclusive is the level of attention that they command. Think about it.

A lot of women complain about the level of unwanted attention they get from guys and revel in getting the attention they’d like, but in both cases, they’re getting attention. A decent looking woman with an alright personality will get twice as much attention from guys then a guy of the same looks/qualities from girls and that fact spreads to both extremes(the finest girl gets more attention than the finest guy, so on and so forth)

The reason for this could be traced back to the age-old idea of the man as the pursuer and the woman as the pursued and yada yada but again that’s not part of my point. My point is I’m envious of all that attention they get, good and bad. Guys don’t really get too much attention from girls, which is kind of ironic since we spend so much time trying to get it, and explains why half the time we don’t even know how to act when we finally do start getting increased attention. You ever seen how a guy acts when he starts to get a little bit of attention from more than one girl, especially if the girls are attractive? Well if you haven’t you should know that he secretly acts like King pimp.

Yeah, he’s showing all his homeboys pics of the girls that have interest in him and making up all kinds of stories. “How’d I get her? Oh well you know man I just laid my game down you know how I do” I’m not gonna lie I did the same thing multiple times in my life. “Oh her and I? yeah we used to talk.” with ‘talk’ being a figurative word to say the least.

Still think I’m exaggerating? Look at some of these male celebrities. Eric Benet and Tiger Woods are perfect examples. I don’t know much about either of their lives growing up but I know to that cheat on Halle Berry, you had to have been missing some crucial attention from the opposite sex at some point in your life… Then there’s Tiger Woods,who spent his whole life playing golf and i can only imagine how appealing that must’ve been to women growing up lol. Look at the result, He cheated on his wife to the point that it didn’t even make sense anymore(and messed it up for us brothers but that’s another post)

The lack of attention, in my opinion, is why women are seen as better cheaters than men. It’s not that they are ‘smarter’ about the whole thing, no not at all. The fact is that they’ve had so much experience juggling different love interests that it just comes easy to them. You ask a girl how many times she’s had trouble figuring out which person to date and then ask a guy the same question and I bet the answers aren’t even close in number.

A woman can pick,choose, and refuse and even if she refuses, find a new contestant in a short time period. A man can pick, choose, and refuse as well but the time gap in which those 3 options come around to him again can’t even be estimated.

So what am I saying? Although I know that this will never ever happen, I’d like it more if the playing fields were a little more even and that both genders got to experience similar levels of attention. I think it would do relationships as a whole so much good because you wouldn’t have as many men losing all sense whenever women look their way and some women would no longer have an ego that could come off as a borderline superiority complex. But what do y’all think? Do you feel like the way things are now that they should always be? Do you think that my theories and ideas even carry merit? Let me know People.


3 thoughts on “Vagina Envy

  1. peaceofdenise says:

    Antoniusdagr8, I love your opinion here, and I do agree that women do get tons more attention than men, however I dont think that will ever change. Men naturally go after women more forcefully then women go after men, for the most part, in my opinion. It’s how the game is played, but it would be nice if the playing field were more even I guess for you guys, but I think that would ruin the fun of the game. Men love the chase, so women let them chase.

  2. antoniusdagr8 says:

    Yeah this post was more wishful thinking than anything else but then again stranger things have happened. There was a time period in which the idea of a woman approaching a man was unheard of and now it’s more socially acceptable so who knows what might happen a few years(more like 50 lol) down the road… A man can dream haha but I thank you for your comment 🙂


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