Dating with a Time Limit

With School temporarily on hold (spring break woot!) I can now blog a little more freely and consistently then I was before so I’ll jump right into this theory that’s been sitting waiting to be typed out.

One of the things that came to my mind recently is that people tend to date with a time limit, whether it be consciously or subconsciously, and it’s something that just about everybody is ‘guilty’ of doing. Allow me to explain.

Look at the term ‘serious relationship.’ What exactly is a serious relationship? I mean technically I know the answer to my question, but a relationship is a relationship, there isn’t anything exclusive about a serious relationship other than the two parties involved taking it ‘seriously’ meaning they’re on the same page time limit wise.

To put it another way, think about some of the relationships you may have had in the past. Surely you didn’t think they were going to all end in marriage right? At least I hope not. You may not have had a good idea when they would end but you knew they weren’t going to be ’till death do you part.’ some of your relationships you had no intention of it lasting past summer, or whenever you do your seasonal dating. Both of those things are Dating with a time limit.

So what exactly determines how long or short you set your dating time limit? Two things. Your intentions and the other person involved.

1.) Your Intentions: You more than anyone else know exactly what you want out of a relationship. You know if you’re just looking for some company or something a little more, and that factors heavily into the time limit you’ll try to set with certain relationships you get into. You’re not going to get into something serious with every person you date and you usually have a good idea of who you’d like to take seriously and who you probably won’t. Which leads to point number two.

2.) The Person Involved: So if the theory doesn’t make me sound crazy enough already, this next point will probably convince you. We all have our own dating time limits… madness right? Hear Me out.

You ever met a perverted person? I mean a person who cannot carry on a full conversation without making some sort of sexual reference. Certain people can tolerate the company of this kind of person and you may be one of those people who can, but have you ever thought about someone wanting to date perverted person? Probably not right? You can’t imagine who would possibly want to put up with the constant sexual conversation. To you, the perverted person has a Dating Time Limit of Near Zero. Now let’s flip the switch.

You ever met that one really nice person, I mean like a sweetheart. And you know that if you dated that person they could make you very happy, possibly indefinitely? To you, that person has long-term dating potential, A dating time limit that can possibly span into years. But if that person doesn’t fit into your current intentions, then there’s no way you’re going to date them. This kind of feeds into the idea that ‘Nice people finish last’ when it comes to relationships.

On Average, a person in their youth typically isn’t looking to get into anything serious, at least not continuously, so when they run into people who almost undoubtedly possess that ‘serious’ potential, they’ll avoid getting into any kind of relationship with those kinds of people, at least for a while, because nobody wants to knowingly step away from a great relationship… At least someone with decent sense. So the nice people ‘finish last’ because,unfortunately, a good chunk of the opposite sex isn’t ready to really appreciate them for how great they are till later in life.

So the real question is, now that we’re aware that we all date with a time limit in mind, is it a good or bad thing? I think it’s a necessary thing. I think relationships need to have something that puts a ‘cap’ on them, so you can kind of rationalize when you truly need to get yourself out of a relationship. Awareness of this time limit also can help you check how much of a ‘time limit’ you portray to potential suitors and what you can do to extend that limit, if that’s something you want to do.

So what do you all think? Is this a theory that has merit or do you completely disagree? Feedback is appreciated but I’m just glad you took the time to read it.


2 thoughts on “Dating with a Time Limit

  1. memoirsofamadonna says:

    I’m average 🙂 When I first started dating at 19, everyone got a 3 month time frame… like a test drive 🙂 lol… The nice guys got even less time because I didn’t want to break any hearts…
    More recently, I know for a fact that my desire for a much lengthier time frame is easily seen by my suitors… What’s the best way to find out if they really are in it for the same time frame?

    I’d say you’re right on track with this theory! … and I enjoy your perspective…

    1. antoniusdagr8 says:

      lol I think we’ve all done the ‘duck the nice person and date whoever’ phase for that exact reason. Nobody wants to be the ex that breaks a heart..
      I think the best way to find out if they’re thinking similar is a combination of questions and observation, Especially the latter because we all know suitors will tell us everything we want to hear if we ask them a question.
      With Questions you can ask things that you aren’t necessarily interested in but will help u get the answer you’d like. For example, if you want a long term relationship but aren’t thinking about marriage, you could ask questions about how they feel about marriage, are they looking to get married etc and the answer they give will indirectly answer your own questions. If they’re not thinking of getting married till they’re 30 and they’re 24 now, do you think they’d wanna be in a long term relationship for 6 yrs? Probably not so that would tell you that they’re probably not looking for anything past 2-3 yrs if even that long. If that’s what you’re looking for as well then you’re good. But what if they say marriage isn’t even something they’ve considered thinking about? Then they’re probably not looking for anything long term. Because we all know that with long term relationships, marriage or at least marriage consideration follows.. Each seemingly ambiguous question will get you closer to the info you really want to know

      If that doesn’t help too much then you can observe their actions and that will tell you everything you need to know. If you get into an argument, how willing are they to resolve it and get things back on good terms? A person who’s only thinking short term isn’t going to put up much of an effort. Are they open to compromise? Stubbornness will only get you so far in a relationship and absolutely nowhere in a long term one, so how open they are to your thoughts and feelings will give you hints about their mindset concerning your relationship. I hope this helps 🙂


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