Month Long Hiatus

Hey whats up all of my faithful readers..I know it’s been almost a month since I’ve written on here, not because i’ve run out of topics or things to say(that would be the day) but mostly because of school and school related activities.

As anybody in college would know, the life of an upperclassmen is anything but smooth sailing, so please just bear with me until early May when I can finally have more time for things I’d actually like to do…I’m sure you all understand.

What I may do in what little down time I hope to have, is compile small lists of random facts about me so that the people that don’t know me and the people that they think they know me(yeah i said it lol) can have a better understanding of myself as a person. Time will tell if this idea actually comes to fruition though. Till then

EFF U Education

Author: Antonius DaGreat

Real Name is Anthony Ryan Grant. I'm an artist/actor/ writer. The main Brainchild of Artistic Visionaries. Just trying to share my creative efforts and do a little more than keep the lights on.

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