Should I Grab a Dumbbell or a Chisel?

So Now that my summer class is finally, finally done

I can actually start and stick to my workout routine since I won’t come home physically tired like I’ve been doing for the past six weeks and when I think about all the things I’ll have to do to get into the shape I’d like, I’m a little less than thrilled to start.

Granted I can be a little lazy when it comes to working out but I have good reason for doing so, and that’s what actually inspired this post.

I feel like the ideal ‘in shape’ male compared to the ‘in shape’ female is not fair and that the men are required to have so much more than the women and over the years I’ve gotten real tired with trying to meet them all.

Obviously this post doesn’t apply to everyone since there are a good number of people who don’t place the majority of their standards into what a person looks like but for those of you that do… and by you, I mostly mean women, then this post is for you..

When it comes to being ‘in shape’ women get a significant pass. More times then not, as long as they know how to work what they have, the thought of them going to a gym doesn’t even cross a man’s mind.

Slight flab on the arms? Looked Over. Slight Flab on the thighs and/or calves? Looked Over. A stomach that isn’t flat enough for me to iron a shirt on? Looked over. But if a guy was to tell you that he wouldn’t mind you having toned legs, smooth arms and a backup ironing board belly then he’s lying not only to you but himself.

On the flipside of things, wanting the ideal ‘in shape’ man is almost literally asking the guy to slowly chisel his body until he looks like he’s been sculpted by the gods themselves.

“Oh Anthony You’re exaggerating.” No not really. Any girl who says she wants a dude with six pack abs and doesn’t have any kind of abs herself is demanding a lot. getting a ‘cut’ abdomen isn’t ‘just an exercise routine’ no no no, it is a lifestyle change.

I remember back in high school when I really wanted some abs i did crunches every night for six months just to get a decent four pack. Satisfied with what I achieved, I eased up on my abdominal exercises for maybe two weeks or less and was shocked to see 6 months of hard work already showing slight signs of fading away.

I’m not trying to say that working out is easy for women, working out is hard work period and unless it becomes a habit it can become hard for both genders. I do, however, hate to overhear women talk about this that and the third being out of shape on their man or his body not being all that when I know that if i was to stretch their arm out and shake it that it’d look like I just flicked a rubber band or open palmed a plate of jello.

Again I know this is not every female, since I’ve seen/know the ones who don’t mind the slight gut on a dude or the biceps and triceps made from hard flab rather than hard muscle but I just think that women as a whole could try to ease up on men who’s bodies are any other shape then round as we men have eased up on the lack of a coke bottle frame. And with that being said I’m off to tone my ‘summer body’


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