The Life of a Chivalrous Man is not an Easy One

I know I seem to take shots here and there at women sometimes but it’s never from a bitter heart and I can’t see myself ever writing something entirely negative about women. I love them too much.

I also can’t see myself bringing them up as a continuous subject matter for however long I continue to blog but let’s be real, I’m 22 years old and still have a lot of life left to live God willing so women related topics will frequent my site for some time to come lol.

I’ll get to the topic at hand. Chivalry. Is it dead? Is it alive? is it on life support? Who or what did it damage?

Well Chivalry isn’t dead contrary to popular belief. I don’t even think it’s dying but it has changed over the centuries like everything else that isn’t new under the sun.

For me personally, I try to be as chivalrous as possible with any woman i meet and especially with one that I’m dating. You may feel a certain kind of way about my personality or some of the things I say but you could never say I didn’t hold open doors, pull out chairs, or offer my jacket as the situation arose.

The struggle is real though and some of the chivalrous elements may have to be altered as the American economy continues to struggle. Women this means that expecting a guy to always have money to fully pay for dates or in some situations, even have a car available to take you out on a date, may be a mentality you want to consider changing.

Fortunately a lot of mature women have caught on and adapted to the changing times, offering to go half on a meal, half on a movie ticket, half on a baby …you get what I’m saying. But for those of you who haven’t caught on yet…

In the very near future, you may find yourself being single for long periods at a time. There are fewer and fewer guys who can steadily afford financial ‘acts of chivalry’ for their woman, and the number of men who still can may continue to decrease if the economy continues to be the way it is now or God forbid, gets worse.

And for the women who say, “Well if he can’t afford to always take me out, then he just shouldn’t ask me out” you should reconsider your words because even when your funds are low, that doesn’t stop YOU from at least wanting to go out now does it?

See that’s what I don’t understand about women with this mentality, it’s as if they don’t see how the struggle can also exist for the opposite sex. I remember when I was 15 maybe 16, I was talking to this girl for a little while and I asked if she wanted to meet up for a movie date. I suggested this because I wasn’t old enough to get my driver’s license yet and neither was she. Funny thing is, she declined and soon stopped talking to me because I wasn’t able to pick her up for dates. At fifteen years old…

Another incident was as recent as last year. I met this chick at a club(mistake number one) and we chilled out for most of the night, dancing, making good conversation(for inside of a club at least) etc. We ended up exchanging numbers and keeping in contact for a little while. At the time though, I was pretty broke, basically as broke as I am now lol but I was like hey phone conversations only go so far right so let me try to ask her out on a date. HOWEVER, I’m not one of those guys who’s willing to front about his financial situation to impress a female. This is loosely what I told her: Hey I would like to take you out for dinner. I don’t have much money to spend right now but I have a giftcard for TGIF that has more money on it then I would spend on myself there and I was wondering if you would accompany me?

Neyo thought that was a classy move

You know what her response was? “Lose My Number.” Hahaha. Can’t blame a guy for being honest and upfront right? These are just two examples of those kinds of women that I’ve encountered in my short life. My favorite will always be the look of disappointment in one girl’s eyes when I told her I lived with my parents, even though she also still lived with her own. So even though you can’t afford to live on your own right now, I, who is also of the same age, somehow can?

Anyway, Every woman should be looking for a guy who’s willing to treat them right instead of looking for one to treat them nice. Meaning if you enjoy his company, he’s respectful and treats you like the lady you (hopefully) are, should you really be that annoyed that you had to pick him up for a couple of your dates? Or when you couldn’t go out that weekend because he could only afford enough gas to come hang out with you at your place? There are women who are sitting lavish right now but are miserable because their men won’t treat them well. Just look at Basketball Wives (no seriously) those are some of the most miserable women I’ve ever seen on a television screen( especially Jennifer Williams) and a great example of my point. Some of them could’ve been happier with someone else if they had different priorities, but no, they wanted to be the ones looking good when they hopped out the Lambo for an all expense paid shopping spree right?

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