A Few Of My Favorite Things: Childhood TV Edition

Today will be a break from the normal routine of posting as I want to follow up my nostalgia post with a slide show of sorts of some of the different shows I used to watch in my childhood. I hope you guys enjoy this visual walk down memory lane as you may relate to some of the shows that get posted. 🙂


These are all the ones I can remember watching off the top of my head lol. If you have any fond memories of certain shows you used to watch as a kid feel free to share them.

2 thoughts on “A Few Of My Favorite Things: Childhood TV Edition

  1. jonatha says:

    Yes those were some awesome shows. I used to always come home and watch author after I finished my homework! He was the bomb and the magic school bus don’t even get me started. Hey but what about saved by the bell or martin or eliza and the wild thornberries? Those were some good ones too.

    1. antoniusdagr8 says:

      When I was younger my parents were really strict about what my sister and I watched so I wasn’t able to watch Martin until I was 13 lol. That goes the same for Moesha and all of the teen oriented television. I also didn’t have cable. Terrible right? lol. But from what few episodes I did watch of Thornberries I remember liking. Rugrats and Rocket Power as well


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