A Friend of Yours Is… A Friend of YOURS

I like to think of myself as a friendly person. No wait, let me rephrase that, I AM a friendly person. The chances of me snapping on you during a conversation would probably be based off me just not liking you as opposed to being in a bad mood.

However I’m a skeptic about a lot of things, one of those things being the friends of the women I date. Neither Gender is exempt from my skepticism and I’ll soon be listing the reasons why.

Unless the person you’re dating is a loner at heart, they’re going to have a fair amount of friends that they will want you to meet and hopefully get along with. Everyone’s intentions are in the right place at first: your significant other wants you to get along/integrate with their friends; their friends want to see who the new person is in your S.O.(Significant Other) life, and you want to make a good impression-Cool, Grand, Excellent!! This can be a beautiful thing assuming you only plan to interact with these friends a handful of times at most.

Under no circumstances do you attempt to truly befriend these friends unless you are abnormally skilled in handling awkward situations. What awkward situations you ask? oh HO ho.

1.) They’re not truly your ‘friend’- this tends to happen with female friends more so than male friends but men aren’t exempt. You will come across those friends whose only goal when it comes to interacting with you is to determine whether or not you’re worthy of their treasured buddy’s affections. They are the ones who smile in your face but are quick to throw your good name under a bus should they observe something they don’t like. It also doesn’t help when their terms of evaluation are utterly ridiculous. What can quickly make this an awkward situation is if your S.O. decides to inform you about some of the things their friends have been saying about you. What a surprise is to find out that the friendliest person out of the people you met is the same one telling your girl/man that you have the fashion sense of a homeless person and/or whatever else.

That may not be something to worry about when dealing with guy friends, but guys can be tricky in their own way. Say you’re a guy and the S.O. is your girlfriend, you don’t think that at least one of her guy friends has a crush on her?(there’s always one) Let her complain to him about something trivial like how you don’t text back immediately and see if the words, “You can do better” doesn’t come out of his mouth. If you’re a girl, you may meet those guy friends who aren’t afraid to flirt with you behind your boyfriend’s back.

2.) They’re Too Good of a friend: This is the situation that you typically see on Television Shows, movies, and of course in reality. Sometimes you meet the friend of your S.O. that makes it seems like you two should’ve been good friends way before a third party introduced you both. This one can get awkward very quickly, especially if you become good friends with someone of the opposite sex. The greater your S.O.’s insecurities are, the quicker this will become an uncomfortable situation. Comedy, Film, and Pop culture references that can cause continuous laughs between you and the friend that your bf/gf cannot share in usually doesn’t end well. Plus we all know how much worse everything gets if you and your S.O. break up but you want to continue your friendship with your new buddy.

3.) They Misconceive the depth of the Friendship: You can also meet those friends who are too quick to want to become your genuine friend. You know the type. They’ll send you a friend request on a social network within hours of meeting you, sometimes even in the middle of your first introduction to each other; you’ll hear about how they asked for you when you weren’t able to make it to a public event; they want to exchange contact information and then you’ll get texts from them out of nowhere in which they want to spark genuine conversation, so on and so forth.Overall, None of those things are bad in intention unless they’re friend number one of course. Maybe it’s the skeptic in me but I always feel there’s something suspicious about someone who appears to be borderline desperate to be my friend. I understand that I’m awesome but…

Overall I personally would rather spend my time and efforts winning over family members instead of Friends. The risk level is lower and the pay off much higher in my opinion. Forget Friend A B and C, they may not even last. But the seven year old little sister? she’s there to stay and you will be appreciated all the more for being able to win her over. What do you all think though?

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