Let Those Tits Breathe!

Well since I’m going on vacation tomorrow (Hallelujah) I figured I’d write tomorrow’s post tonight and Monday and Tuesday’s post will just have to be skipped. I’m sure you all understand lol.

So yes onto the title and subject Matter… If you keep up with these sort of things(and you should if you access the internet/read/watch tv) then you know that two popular music artists had a nip slip within the past two weeks. First there was Nicki Minaj’s nip slip on Good Morning America: And then this past Monday Kelly Rowland let her twins come out to play while performing at a club(what was she wearing by the way?! o_O) Various media sites, social networking sites, and so on all made their commentary about these events, more so about Nicki Minaj since she was performing on live television, and then it was just kind of over. The same comments where made that were always made about celeb nip slips and let’s face it, none before or after will ever really compare to Janet Jackson’s nip Slip at the superbowl half time show.

When I saw these stories, I knew I wanted to blog about them but I wasn’t sure how to approach the situation. I felt like there were so many ways to approach the idea behind a nip slip, all with their own valid points, and I could probably write more than one post about the same subject. Ultimately I decided to run with this:

America needs to admit its obsession with sexuality

I know people are probably thinking “What are you talking about? America is pretty open about their enjoyment of things involving sex .” We’re not though, not yet. We are steadily getting closer and closer though. When you think about what America openly obsesses with, the undeniable answer is violence. War and karate movies do very well in the States and it’s hard to rattle off a list of American movies that doesn’t have some aspect of violence in them. Even Disney films have mild or comedic violence in them; it’s simply something we enjoy as a country.

Sex on the other hand, isn’t the taboo it once was, but it’s still approached and handled with a level of caution, however meager that caution may be. It’s kind of ridiculous when you think about it. America walks that fine line of embracing/not embracing sexuality like an experienced tight rope gymnast. Almost everything you see on TV is sexy or sexed up or promotes some level of sex appeal. Female celebrities carry the brunt of this tirade, wearing outfits that highlight curves or allow for barely controlled cleavage, yet we as a country are surprised when a breast or two pops out of a top that looks like it contained them strictly through willpower. Almost any female celebrity you can think of has a nip slip at some point that can be Googled and if they haven’t yet just give it some time.

I’m not even going to suggest the conservative role as an option to be considered because it isn’t one. We are way too far gone to start talking about why Nicki Minaj’s boob should not have popped out on Good Morning America and what we can do to prevent similar incidents from occurring. What we really need to do is to fully accept the shift in culture so we can move on. Honestly I’m tired of feeling slightly uncomfortable when a sex scene pops up during a movie that I’m watching with my parents. In this day and age that shouldn’t even file under “Awkward Situations” anymore because sexual situations are everywhere. Popular Shows like True Blood and Spartacus are part drama, part action, and part soft porn. In fact, Spartacus was the first television show I watched that had an orgy scene… An ORGY scene yet someone somewhere wants to complain about an accidental titty pop out.

So in conclusion, I say, Yes, let those tits/ breasts/boobs/ breathe because in the case of nip slips, they happen just like most accidents and considering the ‘sexy’ hoops and hurdles celebrities have to jump through in order to have that ‘appeal’ I’d rather brush off a flash of boob than try to justify a complete wardrobe breakdown any day.

2 thoughts on “Let Those Tits Breathe!

  1. Madonna M. says:

    hmmm…. tough call…. A few years ago, I’d agree with you 100%……
    Of course, now as the mother of a little girl, my priorities are adjusting a bit…..

    1. antoniusdagr8 says:

      I can respect that.:) And if I was a parent I’d probably be singing a slightly different tune as well. It’s just that nowadays the protective gap of innocence one can provide for the child is becoming smaller and smaller especially when all it takes is the kid sitting next to your daughter in school to tell her all about where babies come from just like their irresponsible older siblings/influence told them :/ I’ve always been one to push for parents educating/explaining certain things to kids before somebody else tells them.


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