Invasion of the Fun Snatcher

Now that my week of Graduation Celebration/Vacation has officially passed, I have something to tell all of my readers….

I am a boring individual.


This may come as a shock to most, especially given the undeniable awesomeness of my blog and the ‘cooler-than-most’ persona that I live by. It definitely shocked me upon my recent realization of this fact. How could this happen? When did this happen? Why didn’t I realize this sooner??! Let us recap:

I first noticed inklings of my descent into The Boring One during my senior semester(s) in college. Let me explain something to you all. I went to FAU in Boca Raton and if there’s one thing I can say about Boca is that it is an almost unbelievably boring place for a young adult to live. Sometimes I wonder if I just didn’t explore it enough to give it a chance but then I remember when I first transferred to FAU and spent the first few weekends driving around the city trying to figure out where places of entertainment were and coming back nearly empty handed. It is very VERY different from Miami, which is where I’m from, where there’s something to do/someplace to go like every five blocks or so.

Love my City


Boca though.. *slits Wrists

So needless to say I didn’t go out too often, ESPECIALLY in my senior year(by then I’d given up) because there really wasn’t much to do. A lot of my friends either went home for the weekend or went down to Miami (I RO NY) to party. It’s sad when I think back because I used to really want to go out.

As a result I became a bit more mellow and that apparently intensified when I moved back home this summer. When you’re still looking for a job/ steady source of income you don’t leave the house too often. Not because you don’t want to, but because you can’t afford to. I had to commute to Boca(45 min drive) 3 days a week and of course it wasn’t kind to my gas tank which of course made it even less kind to my bank account.

So of course I got used to staying home. I was able to avoid boredom by keeping my mind active and hanging out with friends but that can only do so much. By the time I went on vacation last week, chilling on the couch while watching some good movies was my idea of a relaxing time. I can’t tell you how many times my uncle had to almost pull me off the couch to get out the hotel room… In my defense it was a really nice hotel room haha.

Anyway, that was like an epiphany type moment for myself. I’ve become a homebody and I hate it. It’s to become boring and I’m not naturally boring. Last night I turned down going to a party to do what? Stay at home and watch Netflix movies. The Anthony of six months ago wouldn’t be caught dead at home on a Saturday night.

So starting this week, Today actually, I’m going to take steps to regain the desire to be active. I’ll start slow; take trips to Barnes and Nobles to just sit and read and be around other people, hit up a poetry club, Go to church more often. Pretty much anything to stimulate my mind and reinvigorate my socializing skills.

I wrote this post partially to vent and partially to warn others who are also unknowingly in my same predicament. You may have heard the saying that people need to interact with other people in order to survive. It’s true, and ‘interaction’ with the people who live in the same house as you don’t count. Go out. Walk on the beach, hit the library, visit a museum, don’t become boring like me and then have to fight your way out.


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