2011 VMA Awards

I had an introspective post planned for today but I wasn’t feeling very introspective at the moment so I decided to do this instead.

Every time an award show comes around, the goal is always to get the people talking if only for a day and while the VMA’s has lost a lot of its steam over the years(A video awards show on a channel that no longer plays videos) it still manages to garner a fair amount of attention due to the celebrities that show up and performances they put on. So Today I’m going to give a bit of a recap of the VMA’s going off events that stood out to me in no particular order.

1.) Lady Gaga’s Opener:

Once again Lady Gaga was able to at least match her previous weird award show apparel by showing up basically as a dude. Personally I find Gaga to be a little annoying if only because it seems like she’s trying too hard to rep for the weirdos of the world. It’s just kind of like “I get it you’re weird now please stop constantly shoving that fact in my face.” However I can’t deny that she is incredibly talented and I wouldn’t be surprised if she takes on some considerable acting roles in the future.

2) Nicki Minaj and Jonah Hill

Then Jonah Hill and Nicki Minaj come out to present and Jonah Hill makes an intentionally-awkward-yet-supposed-to-be-funny joke that’s supposed to reassure that him losing weight doesn’t mean that he’s less funny. I think it’s safe to say that he didn’t help reassure that fact at all.

Nicki Minaj goes on to win the best hip hop video for a pop record and the hip hop purist within me cringed.

3.) Miley Cyrus

When Mack Maine said on ‘Every Girl’ “In about 3 years holla at me Miley Cyrus” I didn’t understand. After seeing her hit the stage last night, 2 years after that statement was made, I COMPLETELY understand.

4.) Otis

Considering that information surrounding this ‘surprise performance’ leaked the night before, Everyone’s eyes were more on how this performance would be done. It was fairly standard, using mostly a bare set save for the dropping of American flags and some pyrotechnics. Jay-z looked like he was glowing that night and those who had peeped the pre-VMA awards knew why.

5.) Katy Perry ‘Jokes’

Maybe it’s just me but I still feel like America as a whole isn’t over that Taylor Swift incident just yet, at least to the point that you can crack jokes about it at the same awards show where it went down but that’s exactly what Katy Perry did. It was kind of weird to watch but it’s good to see that the audience as a whole were good sports about it, especially since it wasn’t that big of a deal in the first place and Taylor Swift really did not deserve the award lol.

6.) Jay-z Proudest Moment

First of all Beyonce is going to be recognized as a legend one day, this is fact. You cannot deny how immensely talented she is and she proves it on stage every, single, time. Secondly, When she dropped that mic and rubbed her little preggo belly, even I felt proud for Jay-z, heck the AUDIENCE felt proud for Jay-z. The funniest thing of the night though, was all the twitter comments about how the child of Jay-z and Beyonce will turn out. And the pictures, Especially the pictures.

7.) Tyler the Creator

Tyler won the Best New Artist award and I took it as a good and a bad thing. It’s good because it shows the power of the Internets, especially since Tyler isn’t as popular as some of the other artists on that list (Wiz Khalifa and Big Sean comes to mind) and it fit because ‘Yonkers’ was a dope video, a little disturbing, but dope nonetheless. The Bad is that this going to inspire all the aspiring artists to work even harder, which would be a good thing if you could omit the massive amount of them that don’t have musical talent. That’s just my opinion though.

8.) Amy Winehouse Tribute:

The Amy Winehouse tribute was interesting to say the least. First off Russell Brand comes out to say a few words that sounded more like unintelligible rambles than anything else(No offense) and then they had Bruno Mars perform one of her more popular covers. It was cool, it was tasteful but was it necessary? Some people would disagree. Personally I felt like if these people who wanted to honor her name and legacy were really her friends then she’d be alive right now. How can you say that you’re mourning the loss of someone with such great talent when you did absolutely nothing to slow or alter her path of self inflicted destruction?? It wasn’t a secret what she was struggling with, you would think that somebody, anybody would’ve made their best efforts to help her out. It’s a shame that she had to die so young, it really is.

9.) Lil Wayne

Soo yeahhhh, Lil Wayne closed the show. I actually found his entire performance to be utterly hilarious, especially since MTV went over their time limit and the awards just cut off as soon as he strutted off stage. His performance must have raised a few eyebrows to say the least. First,he comes on stage singing the sappiest song of his career and then transitions into one of the hardest singles off of his album which, though I welcomed the change, completely threw me off. He looked like he was just spazzing out, scream rapping, hopping in the crowd, hopping back out… I couldn’t keep up lol. He smashes his guitar and then it’s over, leaving the audience and viewers to wonder two things: 1.) What was that? and 2.) What was he wearing??!! I only thought one thing…. Tha Carter IV hahaha.

Conclusion: For a video awards show on a network that no longer plays videos(MTV Jams doesn’t COUNT) I thought it was pretty good. There wasn’t anything too crazy and everything was relatively tasteful with the exception of a few award acceptance speeches. It should hold viewers over until the BET Hip Hop Awards which will undoubtedly be amusing.

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