Reasons Why you should see your favorite artists live

It’s probably safe to say that everyone enjoys some type of music from either one genre or several. Music can do a lot for a person, especially when it comes to the way they feel. Given the right beat, the right lyrics, and the right mood, music can inspire people to do a lot of things both good and bad.

A lot of people even have favorite artists… an individual, a duo, a band that makes music that a person has consistently has been able to relate to or draw something from. What’s weird though is that not a lot of people, or people I know personally, attend concerts of their favorite artists, including myself.

It could be for a various number of reasons. Some people can’t seem to make the time with their busy schedules, others find that concert tickets can be too expensive, and others feel it’s simply not worth it. So today I figured I’d try something different and give you all some reasons why you should go to a concert, and as many of them as you possibly can.

1.) You get to see the extent of your favorite artist’s abilities: As you are probably well aware, not everyone who is a labeled a “music artist” is deserving of that title, in fact, it seems like fewer and fewer ‘artists’ nowadays are deserving of that title since what some of them are releasing to the world as ‘music’ can hardly be considered such. But if you want to know for sure if your favorite artist is really worth paying those ten dollars for their newest album(as opposed to downloading it for free… don’t front) then go see them live. I can guarantee that you will be able to tell how much they care about you as a fan and the quality of their music by their performance.

2.) The Environment: It’s always a good feeling getting your friends or people close to you to appreciate the same types of music that you like and if you and a friend have a favorite artist in common, then you should try go see the artist in concert together. There’s something about being in a venue full of people who enjoy the same music that you do that makes it a great experience. You thought you knew every word to a song? Yeah right there’s going to be someone next to you that knows all the words to a song AND all the words to every other song after that.

3.) Sometimes the music is much better live: This usually depends on the artist, the budget involved, and the venue. Obviously if the artist you like is lesser known, there’s a chance that the venue they perform at may not be up to par. However, if everything is working well in its place then you should have an amazing listening experience, especially if they are able to incorporate live instruments. Songs that I’ve thought were good, sounded amazing being heard live and even in some cases, songs that I didn’t care for ended up being a better listening experience. It can definitely change your appreciation for the music.

4.) They’re not as expensive as you may think: As I stated earlier, I haven’t been to many concerts… I’ve actually only been to three. Out of the three I’ve been to, I’ve only paid for one and even then the ticket cost me less than a hundred dollars. Granted my seat was waayyy in the back but it didn’t stop me from enjoying an amazing lineup of performances. You’ll hear about ticket prices for concerts costing hundreds of dollars, which can be true but that’s only if you’re one of those people who has to have a floor seat and if you can afford it then why not. But if you pay attention to when and where some of your favorite artists are performing, there’s a chance you can see them perform for free.  A week ago I was able to see Lupe Fiasco perform and I didn’t pay a cent.

5.) The Overall Experience: This is pretty obvious given the other four points but it’s no less important. Some memorable experiences can be made at a concert: photos or videos of the concert itself, events during the performance that you can share with your friends and family later, etc etc. And if you’re really a music fan what do you have to lose? You may end up having an amazing time listen to music you already enjoy.

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