Life as Of Late Vol.1

I remember when I first started blogging(and no this is not my first blog page ever…big surprise there) and all I would write about is myself. How my day was, what was happening in school, girls I was crushing on.. in other words pretty trivial things. I had people following my site but it may have just been because we were all friends because in my opinion I feel like back then I wasn’t talking about anything worth a follow.

And of course like anything else, that blog was how I got my start into this enjoyment of writing I have, and this blog I have now would not be what it is without that blog then. I still ended up deleting my old blog(some things are better left to memory) but the memories were nice for sure and to some extent I’d like to do something similar with this blog in the future. Everybody likes to be able to look back at something from their past and “remember when” and I’m no exception. So i decided to start this mini series to put life in perspective every once in a while. Readers bear with me, I’d like to think my life isn’t any more boring then anyone else’ haha.


Yeah that’s right, I watched the movie that looks like a glorified Rock Em Sock Em Robots flick going off of the trailers and you know what? It was actually pretty good. When a movie is able to avoid most of the cliches that it could’ve easily walked into for an entire two hours, I’d have to call it a good movie. Of course it’s a success-from-nothing type of story, of course there are minor romantic elements in the story that seem as unnecessary as they usually do in most action oriented flicks and of course the film’s climax can only go one of two ways BUT it’s the journey there that really makes the movie worthwhile. I won’t spoil the film but I will say that if you do decide to see it you won’t feel like you wasted your time and money watching it.

MUSIC I’M LISTENING TO: Common- “Blue Sky”

I would do albums that I’ve had on repeat for a while now but it may get a little lengthy so maybe next time. If you know me then you know that I’m a big hip hop head. I listen to a variety of  genres of music but there’s been so much diversity in hip hop over the past few years that it’s really hard for me to stray out of it for anything else. What I have on repeat in my iPod right now is the newest single off of Common’s “The Dreamer, the Believer” Album. When it comes to instrumental selection, I’m a big sucker for sample fueled beats so the instrumentation alone dragged me in immediately. Plus I enjoy a lot of Common’s music because he’s able to be a conscious artist that doesn’t come off too preachy. Seeing how this will be his first album since 2008 I’m excited to hear the album in its entirety when it comes out Nov. 22

WHAT I’M WATCHING: Not much really. I don’t really watch a lot of TV. Honestly outside of Animation Domination on Sundays (Family Guy, the Simpsons, The Cleveland Show and American Dad) my TV set rarely gets switched on for anything other than movies and video games. What I have been watching is the Bad Girls Club(don’t judge me) because, to put it simply, it’s usually hilarious. There’s something to be said about how frail and superficial “friendships” between women can be and how quickly they can fall apart. It may be scripted but chances are it’s not. I’m sure we’ve all met one or two of those types of girls in our lifetimes. Lord knows I have.

WHAT I’M PLAYING: It’s not a secret that I’m a huge gamer. Give me a good video game to play and you may not hear from me for days at a time. That’s just how I am. Lately there’s been a lapse in the video game genres that I enjoy playing so my PS3 has been gathering a fair share of dust outside of playing Resistance 3. But with Batman Arkham City dropping in two weeks and Uncharted 3 along with Modern Warfare 3 in the following month, don’t be surprised if my posts become increasingly more sporadic for a while.


WHAT I’M READING:12 Traits of the Greats by Dr Dave Martin:

Unlike a majority of today’s generation that I am unwillingly linked with, I read. Not every now and then, but pretty frequently. I have a thirst for knowledge in that aspect, and I will try to read at least one thing a week, even if it’s something simple like a magazine or an online article. 12 Traits of the Greats is the last thing I’ve read and I would encourage anybody who has rather lofty dreams for their lives to pick up a copy. There were definitely a good number of tips and ideas for people, like myself, who become easily distracted on their journey to be where they would like to be in life.


If you read my posts pretty frequently or know me personally then you know I’m an aspiring actor. I’d like to tell you that I’ve gotten rich and famous since the last time I mentioned my career of choice, but that would obviously be something you would know without me stating it. Right now I’m trying to get myself involved in as many acting opportunities as possible. I’ve done a reasonable amount of extra work on shows like Burn Notice, The Glades, and Charlie’s Angels but anyone that’s in the profession will tell you that all of that is just the tip of the iceberg if even that much.

Right now I’m looking for some credible agents to hopefully take me on as a client so I can get a broader spectrum of work but just like everything else in this industry it’s not easy. The positive side of things is that the struggle only pushes me to work harder towards achieving my goals. I also have a couple of side projects I’m working on and I’ll be happy to reveal them to the public as I make some more headway on them.

Well that’s it for now. Till Next Time.

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