When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong: McFlurry To Your McRibs Edition

I’ll admit that I’ve always had a unique sense of humor. This is mostly because I feel that there’s a potential opportunity to laugh in almost every situation and predicament. When one considers just how serious life can be at times, it’s always good to at least try to find the humor whenever you can.

With that being said I present to you all the following video in which two customers attempt to assault a McDonald’s employee and he defends himself.

Now you may be already laughing and if you’re not then you’re probably trying to figure out what about the video is funny. Here’s what is funny to ME:

1.) From the Video you can’t really figure out what’s being said prior to the incident but after reading the news story behind this video, you come to find out that the two women,  Denise Darbeau and Rachel Edwards, took offense to employee Rayon McIntosh requesting to scan their fifty dollar note. You can clearly see that Denise throws the first blow. Rayon swings back in reflex but you can’t really tell if he connects. The two ladies then decided that it’s a good idea to HOP OVER THE COUNTER  to continue to start trouble with him.

2.) At this point you’re not sure to what extent Rayon is going to defend himself. He grabs what looks like a metal rod and starts swinging it like a bat. This is funny because it’s just so unexpected, especially since it’s a guy just swinging away at two women. You can tell that it caught everyone else off guard also, especially those two ladies.

3.) At this point it just begins to look like something out of a movie and you almost can’t believe that this is happening. The ladies fall to the floor behind the counter and again you can’t hear what’s being said but apparently it must’ve been more trash talking or dude just completely lost it because he just continues to swing. The lady screaming “STOP!” Like an annoying banshee just tops off the entire viewing experience. The video ends and you can’t help but think this may have all been avoided had those two customers just taken ten seconds to think rationally.

However,Here’s what not so funny about this whole ordeal. This is another example of a woman abusing the privileges afforded to her by the unspoken rules of gender relation. I’ve briefly spoken about this in a previous post but I’ll continue to restate until the point is driven home.

It’s a social understanding that men are not supposed to hit women. Given the genetic advantage in terms of natural strength, it’s an unspoken rule that a man’s hands should solely be used to protect a woman rather than cause her harm. Some People make their own exceptions to this rule but it still serves as the general consensus.

Now personally, I encourage this rule wholeheartedly except when it comes to a man having to defend himself. Somewhere along the line, a lot of women got this idea in their head that because a man is not supposed to hit them that they can do whatever they’d like to him without fear of repercussion. This includes, but is not limited to, slapping, punching, scratching, and kicking him whenever they feel the need to do so. Now my belief is that unless the man has done or said something that would warrant being hit (example: he just admitted that he cheated on you and your reaction is to slug him in the mouth) then you have no right to touch him just as he has no right to touch you.

If you are one of those women who don’t believe that to be the case then well I really don’t feel sorry for whatever happens to you should the dude you strike decide that the action doesn’t sit well with him. Such is the case in the video. Chick slaps the guy in the face and he swings back in reflex. If that wasn’t a warning sign of things to come then I don’t know what is. But then she and her friend want to further provoke the situation by hopping over the counter, not knowing that A.) He had every intention to defend himself and B.) that he’s an ex con who killed a man over an argument when he was 19.

Now I’m not saying that Denise deserved the fractured skull and broken arm that she ended up with as a result of the incident because Rayon did take that self defense angle a tad bit too far but I do think that this should be a very strong visual reminder to anyone, man or woman, who thinks that the other person will have no problem with you wanting to express your anger upon them physically.

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