COD MW3: How much is it Worth To You?

Any guy (and Girl or Girlfriend) who’s into or knowledgeable about video games knows that there’s only a handful of games that will completely reshape a person’s life for weeks at a time.

The most common offenders are The Madden Series, The NBA 2k Series, Halo, and COD. Girlfriends worldwide have their relationships temporarily compromised whenever a game from these series is released. The smart ones know to buy their man the game and keep the complaints to a minimum until the hype around playing it dies down..(Ladies see what I just did for you there?)

So Anyway Modern Warfare 3 comes out tonight at midnight and as expected people are already losing their minds. After shaking my head in disbelief once I heard that someone who had obtained an early copy of the game was able to sell it on Ebay for $1,700( MW3 is a $60 game by the way) I thought that would be the extent of the ridiculous hype for this game.

Imagine my surprise this morning when I read a news report in which two game delivery trucks were held up and robbed, with the robbers using tear gas and knives to make off with roughly 6,000 copies of MW3. Fortunately nobody was hurt.


I’ve heard crazy things about anticipation for video games in the past. I remember hearing stories about fights breaking out and someone even getting shot while waiting in line one year for a Madden Release. Houses have been broken into, cars have been broken into and now the fever pitch has elevated into organized robbery on delivery trucks.

Obviously the two men who committed the crime plan to do more than just play the game early but it just goes to show how far people are willing to go when their patience runs thin. The ironic thing is that 100% of the time, it’s never worth it.

So let this story serve as a reminder to any of you who feels like you need to stand in the longest line of life just so you can get the latest product you’ve been waiting months for.  There are people out there who are willing to do Whatever it takes to get what they want, no matter how trivial it is, and would you really want to be the person that’s confronted by that person who wasn’t able to immediately get what they want? Yeah, me either.

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