Things to Think About Before You “Go Crazy”

A lot of times people will try to justify why they had to do something that seemed crazy,  especially in regards to an ex. Let them tell it, and their ex was almost asking to have their car keyed, tires slashed, or whatever else constitutes as a reaction that’s “Outside of their character.”

So I figured I’d drop some quick words of wisdom that you’ll hopefully consider before you decide to pour bleach on all of your soon to be ex’s clothes, break or burn something expensive, or just generally do something that will probably end up with you getting sued or arrested, possibly even both.

Question One: “What are you Doing Here Right Now?”

What is it that brought you to this place right now? Think back. At what one point did all of your rational thinking have to be put aside in order for you to think that this would be the best way to get your point across to your ex? If you can’t think of a really good reason, you should probably put the gasoline down.

At no point should you be that person in the window

Question Two: “Who encouraged you to do this?”

We all have that one friend(or two) who thinks it’s perfectly acceptable to do something crazy. He or she has waited for hours outside of homes, stalked social profiles, and,in some cases, is not allowed to be within a certain distance of the person. If you just so happened to share your plan with them and they completely agreed with you while your other friends looked at you with concern/pity in their eyes, You should probably put that knife down.


Final Question: “Whose fault is it really that you’re here right now?”

If you're still looking for the answer

It’s a known fact that people will typically try to pin blame on anybody and anything else but themselves when things go wrong. But if you really take the time to think about what you’re about to do, chances are that you were definitely a participant in your current situation. A lot times people go crazy in relationships because they took too long to get themselves out, and now something additional has pushed them to the edge.

I know for me personally, when thoughts of shoving my ex down a flight of stairs started to seem like a better and better idea, I knew it was time for me to do my best at cutting off all forms of contact.

I just wanted to write this for people who may think that acting crazy is the only way to get the results you want. I’m not judging, but having been on the receiving end of someone who decided to “go crazy” I just figured it’s best to let you all know that nothing really gets accomplished… Unless you can find closure in the form of receiving a restraining order of course.



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