I’ve Seen The Future and it isn’t Bright

It doesn’t take a genius to realize that not everybody is fit to be a parent. In fact, you would hope that some of these people would realize this themselves and opt out of having children but that never seems to be the case.

Now I’m not a parent, and I’ll be honest with myself and say that right now I don’t have the abilities needed to properly raise a child, but one day I hope to learn such skills. However, even right now just based off of some of the things I’ve seen from these parents, I could probably still put forth a better effort than they are right now.

We all know that as society continues to change so do the ideals of each generation. Even if my parents tried to raise me the exact same way my grandparents raised them, it would be impossible because the new ideals of their generation would have influenced their thoughts about how children should be raised. And so on and so forth.

Of course not everyone’s parents or grandparents were raised well enough to turn around and raise their offspring well enough. Some of us have some pretty crappy grandparents who did a terrible job of raising our parents, and if your lucky, your parents realized this and proceeded to do the exact opposite to raise you.

... Or Not

Now maybe it’s just me, but it seems like a lot less parents are making an effort to raise their kids right, some by overcompensating, others by not trying hard enough. You have the parents who will come to their child’s every defense, whether it’s justifiable or not, and will try to protect them from the “ills of the world” until it ultimately backfires in their face. Then of course there’s the parents who are too preoccupied with seemingly everything else to even take time out to spend with their kids, and we all know how that story tends to end.

Even still, it’s hard for me to look at some of these kids and imagine them having a bright future, and that’s not even due to their family’s economic standing. It scares me in regards to the future; a spoiled brat of a child rarely grows up to be anything other than a spoiled brat of an adult.

Though I didn’t always agree(and still don’t) with some of the ways my parents raised me I’m still very grateful that they taught me skills that would prove very useful later on in life and I hope to pass some of the skills on to my own children someday.

I’m not writing this post as some kind of rally to action, just thought it was something worth noting. The fact of the matter is that these kids will one day make up a majority of the country we live in, they will be our future leaders, future doctors, future period. I just think it’s the previous generation’s responsibility to make sure the next generation has as many advantages as possible, and not just because we simply handed it to them.


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