Baby I’m Selfish

To start off this post I’d first like to reference a song I enjoy:

The hook(chorus) to this song speaks to a mentality I’ve held for quite some time and I suspect that I’m not alone in this thought process.

Have you ever wished continual singleness on any of your past romantic interests? And I’m not talking about exes, I’m talking about the people with whom you shared mutual interest but nothing ever really came of it outside of some good conversations and maybe a few dates? No?? Yeah me neither…

No but seriously, I have. I do it all the time although it’s mostly subconsciously. If I had my way, none of my previous romantic interests would have significant others(or worse… spouses) until I deemed it Ok for them to do so. But why do I think this way?

I’m not any more selfish than your average person(because technically we’re all selfish) but I would say that I’m more curious than a lot of people I know. And one of the biggest components of my curiosity is the infamous “What If?” Question.

I’m one of those people whose mind is constantly racing and thinking of multiple things at once. I have a lot of trouble falling asleep because it’s hard for me to calm my mind down long enough to actually rest. Because of this, the “what if “question has a chance to dart inside my head more often then it should.

What if that person and I had actually ended up dating? What if I had taken more time to romantically pursue them and vice versa? Where would we be right now? Would we even be right now? Is whatever we’re doing right now,as far as relationships go, only delaying our eventual relationship? These are a few of the thoughts that run through my head at any given time.

To an extent, I feel like some of these musings are justified. Truth be told, I’ve never been the most consistent person when it comes to “dating.” I tend to get distracted but usually in favor of more pressing matters like school or working more in order to keep my bills paid. And though it’s probably a good thing that my number of dates have outweighed my number of girlfriends, the ratio by which those two differ is pretty high haha.

On the other hand I have dodged either a number of “bullets” or uncomfortable situations by not following through on certain interests. There’s been girls who’ve ended up dating good friends of mine, girls who would later on demonstrate traits that I don’t care to much for in a girlfriend, and I can’t forget the one who ended up being a low key prostitute.(Such a shame, she was cute)

Somewhat similar to my dating life hahaha

At the end of the day though, I’m not delusional. Between my own personal experiences and things I’ve seen, I know that certain relationships do and do not happen for unseen (at the time) reasons that usually end up being in the involved parties’ best interest.


Even still a man can’t help but wonder sometimes, and for all the interests that are still waiting unbeknownst to me, you are appreciated.

To my readers: Have any of you ever thought the same/similar things? Let me know in the comment section below.

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