The Drive Needed For Success

Before I say anything, just take about 5 mins of your life to watch this video…

I can’t think of anyone I know who doesn’t want to be as successful as possible when it comes to what they want to do in life. However I can think of people who seem to lack the drive to get to that level of success,myself included.

When I first came across that video, after watching it I felt like crap. Here I am, telling people that I want to be a successful actor and to some extent a successful musician, but at the same time I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy my share of lazy days in bed doing absolutely nothing constructive. But there’s a saying that I’m sure some of you are familiar with, and I will quote it very loosely: “While you’re choosing to rest, Your competition is working.” And that’s the undeniable truth.

You may not be able to put a name and a face to the person, but deep down insideĀ  ourselves we can sense that there is someone out there who wants what we want just as badly and is willing to work twice as hard to get it. Does that mean we should work ourselves to the bone to keep up? No of course not. I don’t think that a person could ever “surpass” the seemingly imaginary opponent that’s out there. I do think, however, that we should be as much in the running for the top spot as they are.

As crazy as it sounds, I think people underestimate their potential to be great. No doubt we all wish to be great/successful, but how many fail to realize how much control you have over your own situation? Yes, there will be people in life who seem to have greatness handed to them, or were put in a position where they virtually could not fail, but there’s always an underlying story. Maybe the way they got to where they were, seemed easy on the surface but was actually the result of hard work. Maybe someone who’d put in their own hard work was able to put that person in a position to help themselves out. Either way you look at it, no one has ever risen to a successful status without someone putting in hard work at some point.

I hope this video motivates my readers the same way it motivated me and I wish for you all nothing but success.

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