How Cool Are You With Your Flaws?

So let’s start by getting the obvious out of the way. Everyone has flaws, everyone. If this comes as a shock to you then congratulations I’ve just put you one step closer in joining the rest of the human race.

And though we have physical flaws, most people’s flaws actually come from their personality. Maybe you have a short temper, or you don’t have as much patience as you probably could, etc. Then you have to take into account the amount of flaws you’re probably only vaguely aware of until someone points it out.

For me I know what a good number of my flaws are. I won’t throw them all out to the Internets to hold against me later, but I figure that knowing them is half the battle. Now I’m not foolish enough to think that I can erase them all but I can at least try to work on the ones that could potentially make my life better.

One of my biggest flaws is my lack of perception of time. It’s something that I’ve sort of denied over the years but lately it’s been pretty clear that I need to improve in that area. To put it bluntly, I’m typically a couple minutes late to just about everything but work, and even with work I sometimes cut it close.

True Story

I’m one of those people who sincerely believes that if it takes me 15 minutes to get somewhere, that if I give myself 20 minutes I can be on time. Now in theory, this isn’t that bad of an idea but giving myself 25 or even 30 minutes to get there would be even better. So I’m starting to work on that and hopefully this year I can even start showing up to places early(crazy I know)

But on the other hand, I know there’s just some things about me that could be considered flaws that will probably not change. For example, my stubbornness.

Now stubbornness,in the right situations, can be seen as a good thing, but I’m stubborn in regards to just about everything except thinking I’m right. I’ll admit when I’m wrong, but that’s usually where it stops.

So when people call me stubborn, regardless of what context it’s used in, I’m cool with that. It’s a flaw that can be my strength in the right situations and I can live with not everyone necessarily being receptive to that trait of mine. However hearing the all too common phrase “Anthony it’s like you’re late to everything” is something I’m now aiming to change.

So in conclusion, and I really hope I did enough to elaborate on this point, you have to be able to be cool with all aspects of yourself and be willing to change what you’re not cool with. More times than we should, we allow others to dictate what they think our flaws are, and what we should change about ourselves. I think that if you’re willing to be honest with yourself and open to reception, you can eliminate some of your true flaws and still remain true to yourself.

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