Sometimes Crazy strikes A Little TOO Close To Home

So maybe I dropped the ball on this little situation with my lack of urgency to watch the video, and had I watched the video around the time it was “Going viral” this blog post may have come a lot sooner.

Which video you may ask? Oh just this one below (*Disclaimer: Video contains its fair share of profanity*)

So the “crazy girl” who identifies herself as Johnatha Carr in the video, clearly just loses it in her classroom and lashes out and just about everyone in sight. She is later subdued and then tased by police in this video:

Pretty crazy stuff right? Here’s where it gets even crazier, at least for me.

For those who know me, FAU is where I got my bachelor’s degree while spending two years living in one of the most boring cities that I have ever visited aka Boca Raton. The video of the girl getting tazed was filmed by a friend of mine named Shelby who can also be seen being interviewed by the local news on this article/video.

What’s even crazier to me is that the girl who spazzed, Johnatha, is also someone I know personally.

I had two classes with her over the course of 2-3 semesters(I can’t recall specifically which semesters *shrug) and she and I became cool as well as one of my other friends, and we would all occasionally hang out after class or go get lunch together.

And I have to say that with all the times we hung out together, she seemed perfectly fine to me. Now of course that’s the same story you hear from the unsuspecting family member who had no idea that their quiet cousin had plans to murder their entire family, but in this case, Johnatha was just as chill as just about any other personĀ  I met at FAU who I felt I could actually have an intelligent conversation with.

So watching this whole event play out, I could really only believe that she had a temporary mental breakdown. I can’t vouch that she’d never acted crazy before that but I think we all have a good idea of people who we’ve met that we know are probably going to snap one day and others who probably won’t, and I would have to put her with the latter.

Yeahhh I don't think this would be her

Since I saw that video, I’ve been wondering what it could’ve been that may have provoked her nosedive off into the deep end. The news report says that the day prior, she was organizing a bus trip to help rally support for Trayvon Martin, and ever since that incident with him occurred, people, especially minorities, have been on edge(to say the least) about how it’s being handled… Maybe she was stressed out about that and hadn’t made time to properly vent. Maybe she was going through some stuff at school, or at home, or in her personal life, etc etc.

I’ll probably never know, and what sucks is that she’ll more than likely have to transfer schools to even have a chance of attending college without being ridiculed, both openly and behind her back, by just about everyone she comes in contact with. After all, she single handedly put my school on the MAP and I doubt the collective student body is about to let her live that down.

Normally, I’d have some words of wisdom with my posts but this time I don’t. This whole thing was a lesson to me, that sometimes a person doesn’t even have to be slightly crazy for them to lose it. It could be anyone, not always the random stranger I see on T.V. or hear about on the radio. It could be literally anyone at any time, anywhere, for any number of reasons. I sincerely hope Johnatha feels better and can fully recover from this ordeal.

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