Trying to Get Full Off of the Scraps in Life

Now I’m going to start this postoff with a little disclaimer for those who are about to read it. This analogy is a little far reaching, and regardless of the intrepretation that I give you, I hope that you are able to come away with  your own conclusion from it.

About a year ago, my parents decided to get a dog. Nothing too big and if I could, I would tell you the breed of dog that he is but the name escapes me at the moment. So now this dog is obviously living with us and while I don’t feel any particular way about most pets, in regards to our dog “Cody” my feelings toward him teeter between “he’s okay” to “this dog is really kind of stupid and annoying.”

What annoys me about him the most is his level of greed. Now of course, if you’ve ever owned a dog, you’re probably thinking “Well duh, Dogs are one of the greediest creatures on the planet” and you’re absolutely right there’s virtually nothing a dog won’t do for food. However this doesn’t mean that I have to like it.

So when I’m looking down for what seems like the thousandth time into the greediest black eyes I’ve ever come across, looking at the little dog who continues to hope that I’ll slide him so much as a crumb, I start to think to myself.

Stop me If you've heard this one before

What I’m thinking is that here’s this dog who has a bowl of food and a bowl of water, both of which are filled at least twice a day, not too mention the occasional doggie treat throughout the day, but will leave both bowls untouched for as long as possible, just so he’s available to sniff out the next available scrap that he might get/find.

In a way, that process shares similarities to certain human traits. You have people who are always looking for that “quick fix”(and no it’s not necessarily drugs)or those small things that are going to potentially make them happy for a short period of time. They constantly look for ways to get “it” always hoping that the next sliver of happiness is right around the corner. Meanwhile, the thing that can bring them the same amount of happiness(or more) for even longer periods of time often lays right in front of them, or is at least within their grasp, but they refuse to accept the blessing that others would so readily accept.

Of course it’s a little strange to say that there’s lessons to be learned from a dog but if you’re one of those people who are constantly looking for whatever brings you a sense of happiness then maybe it puts things into perspective for you. I just know that I don’t want to become one of those people who somehow happens to overlook a potential blessing within in my own life.


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