An Ingenious way to get Arrested Vol.1

We live in a world full of people with ideas. Some of these ideas can be really good, just OK, or really bad. Then of course you have the “It seemed like a good idea at the time” but was actually a terrible idea in disguise. Allow me to paint you a picture.

So as you’re well aware, two of the biggest social media sites out right now are Facebook and Twitter. And while Facebook is primarily for keeping in touch with friends and family, Twitter is a whole different animal. Since you can “follow” just about anybody on Twitter and respond to them, your Twitter can literally have you conversing with multiple groups of strangers, all of them with their own opinions and agendas.

And for reasons I only somewhat understand, Twitter is also grounds for a LOT of merciless trash talking. On one hand it makes sense, because you can literally say anything you want about anyone on Twitter and be virtually free of repercussions.. You don’t like Drake? Cool all you have to do is @ him and you can call him all kinds of b**ches without fear of a physical backlash.

Thug Life

On the other hand, people sometimes forget that it’s still an actual living human being on the other side of that screen, and that there’s always a small chance that they may come try and see you about your opinions.

Which is apparently the story behind this video I’m about to show you all. Girl A was running her mouth on Twitter about who knows what and Girl B didn’t like what she was saying and decided to confront her… you know, actual face to face…

Girl catches a beatdown because of Twitter

Now as alarming as this video is, it’s actually kind of funny. You’d think that with all the people getting fired, suspended, and having their careers ruined due to social media, that people would smarten up about what they say online since a physical repercussion is becoming more and more prevalent but that’s not yet the case. But that’s not what this post is really about.


What it’s really about it is how the two girls that come to her house to do the beating, felt like it would be a good idea to tape it as it happens. Now as far as ideas go, initially it doesn’t seem like a bad idea, until you actually think about it.

Clearly the two girls thought that since Girl A was running her mouth on social media, that it’s only right that she catch a beating that’s put on display for social media. Problem with this is, while expressing yourself on social media is a form of freedom of speech, beating someone down on camera is a form of ASSAULT.

Unless Girl A is an idiot, we should see a news report following this video in which those two girls end up getting arrested and doing some jail time for something that “Seemed like a good idea at the time.”


So it turns that the girl who was filmed kicking the crap out of the other girl WAS indeed arrested and you can read all about it here.

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