So It Turns Out that Evelyn was not about that Life After All…

I have to admit, after hearing about the incident that occurred between Evelyn and Ochocinco, I really wasn’t too interested in writing a blog about it. After all, I don’t watch Basketball Wives and I figured that there would be so much talk about it that at some point someone would share thoughts similar to mine about it and that I could just agree and call it a day.

That was until I saw these excerpts from her sit down with Amy Robach: Evelyn Plays the Victim Card

Which of course led me to watch at least part of the interview: Evelyn Interview

Now if you care enough about this whole ordeal, it’s fair to say that you more than likely fall into one of two following categories.

Category 1: You feel bad for her. After all, she was attacked by her husband and became a victim of domestic abuse overnight for the entire world to see.

Category 2: You’ve seen, at the very least, a few snippets of the way Evelyn carries herself on Basketball Wives and knew that her catching a beating in some shape or form was inevitable, and that knowledge only causes you to feel slightly bad for her, if at all.

So HE hit YOU? Yeah.. Ok

Amusingly enough,there is a very large portion of people that fall into Category 2, myself included.

Most of my friends know, due to me frequently restating this opinion, that I believe that there are a lot of women that have a beating coming to them due to their reckless actions, and that it’s very unfortunate that those beatings only seem to come from the hands of men… Evelyn is one of those women.

So after reading those excerpts and watching Evelyn try her hardest to elicit sympathy from the viewing audience, I couldn’t help but feel bad… for Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson.



Now if you look at the cut and dry facts: Evelyn confronted Chad about a receipt for condoms(implying that he cheated) and Chad (allegedly) headbutts her, it becomes very easy to label Ochocinco as the bad guy. However, in this situation, just like others before it, we’ll never truly know what happened between the starting point and the end.

And that’s what bothers me about this situation and, to a certain extent, America. Here you have a woman who’s known for having a laughably short temper and a man who, at least publicly until now, has never shown any hint of anger issues or violence towards women, and we, the masses,are being coaxed into feeling bad for said woman with said temper issues all while the man is fighting his hardest to not be portrayed as a bad guy.

Should Ocho have headbutted Evelyn? No. Did Evelyn deserve to get headbutted? No and definitely not by Ocho. Did Evelyn put herself in a position to get headbutted? Almost unquestionably so.

Disagree if you’d like, but I believe that people put themselves in a position for things to happen, both good and bad.

Evelyn says that people saying she deserved it is like saying a girl deserves to get raped because of what she’s wearing… but that comparison isn’t accurate at all.

No girl deserves to be raped. However, let’s say that a girl who was raped was known to be that kind of girl who you usually see taking guys to a private room at house parties or going home with strangers from the club.  Now let’s say that on a particular occasion, she goes home with a guy, changes her mind and refuses to put out. The guy won’t take no for an answer, and unfortunately that’s when the rape occurs. As badly as you’d feel for her, as much as she didn’t deserve it, and as disgusted as you’d feel towards her attacker, in the back of your mind you’d still probably be thinking that if she didn’t constantly put herself into that kind of situation, she could’ve significantly decreased the chances of something like that happening to her… The same is true of Evelyn.


If she wasn’t constantly picking fights and telling her opponents that they’re “not about that life” she’d probably be getting Rihanna levels of sympathy in this situation. Instead, you hear that, on the police report, that Chad said that she headbutted him and based off of they portrayal of themselves on television,that seems to be the more believable story of the two.

Sorry Evelyn No Private Jets out to Barbados for you..

Then there’s the whole thing about her immediately filing for divorce after the incident… To each their own, but even Rihanna still wanted to be with Chris Brown, and that was simply out of her love for him… just saying.

So here we are, watching another celebrity relationship dissolve in front of our eyes. Personally, I’m just hoping that Evelyn doesn’t become one of the more prominent faces against domestic violence(I do feel a little weird saying that though) and that Chad can somewhat piece his life back together. I wouldn’t even mind if they work it out and get back together.

Let’s just hope Chad doesn’t lose it first…

Yes that’s a picture of Evelyn tattooed onto his leg

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