Internet Thugs You All Need Love Pt 2: Stacey Dash and Her Opinion

If you’ve been following me back from when I first started this blog, or you were entertained enough to go back and read my old posts, then you know that there’s been a Internet Thugs You All Need Love Pt.1

The basic theme to this series is to address cases, whether personal or publicized, in which people decided to get their thug life on in the least dangerous way possible: behind the safety of a phone/computer screen.

So as many of you have probably already heard about Stacey Dash being the most recent victim of E-thugs all around the world, an event that I saw come to life on my Twitter feed on Sunday that still continues to literally play out as I am typing this post.

While most e-thuggery is a sad sight to witness in itself, this case was especially saddening because it shows an even bigger problem with this country that continues to become more and more prevalent with each passing day.

Although it can actually spiral down into a series of micro issues, the grand issue at hand is people being viciously verbally attacked due to simply expressing their opinion…

Which is all Stacey Dash did. She simply stated her opinion. And what happens? Masses of people, most who probably only vote once every four years, decide to mount up on their political high horse and set Stacey Dash’s Twitter mentions on fire.

Stacey my Queen I hate it had to be her

The funny thing is though, most of it wasn’t to ask for Stacey’s opinion on Romney’s campaign, or how she feels about what he endorses when compared to what Obama endorses.. you know, actual politics. It was “Black B**Ch” this, “F**k Stacey Dash” that, and of course you have to slide in a death threat or two.

Now I will admit, Twitter is a very complex social media site, in which you can see everything from job opportunities to straight up debauchery all on the same timeline, and it’s that general level of recklessness that doesn’t make this whole thing that much of a surprise, but it really just seems like there isn’t even a line that can’t be crossed or respected anymore.

Even though the question of how much of a right to freedom of speech do we really have in America is something that is constantly on people’s minds, ironically, it’s going to be continuous reactions like this to someone’s freedom of speech that ends up limiting our collective freedom of speech in the not so distant future.

Stop being childish, stop making cruel spirited jokes in the hopes that someone will Retweet you or “Like” Your status, Stop expecting people like Stacey Dash to have the same opinion as you and then hate them when they (Shockingly) don’t. Don’t let your political party affiliations stop you from respecting another human being’s basic rights..

All right I’m done. I’m stepping off of my Soap Box for now…


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