Revisiting My Artistic Side Part IV: The South Park Character

So We’ve reached the last entry of ‘Revisiting My Artistic Side’ and I hope you all have enjoyed reading about my 18 yr old self as much as I did writing about him… and who knows, maybe I’ll be inspired to do more artwork in the near future that further reflects my personal life.

The South Park Character:

The reason I chose to depict myself as a South Park character was because it’s a show that’s so associated with comedy and providing entertainment, which is how I carry myself around my friends and people that I can open up to. I’m always up for a serious conversation and having deep talks, but on any given day I like to keep things very light-hearted and humorous if possible. There’s so much serious events that can go on in any given day that I feel you make more of an effort if you can find something to laugh about.


LACK OF HEART: Again I apologize if the picture isn’t clear enough to make out but as you can see there’s no position for my heart at all on this character, and instead of my heart, it’s a necklace with a Jamaican pendant that I used to wear everywhere at age eighteen.

Growing up, my parents didn’t necessarily try to have my sister and I embrace our Jamaican heritage, and as a result, she and I are too far Americanized to turn back now, but I would’ve really liked to have spent a lot more time surrounded by things of my heritage when I was younger. So when I became older, I cherished what little things I was able to take away from my time spent in Jamaica or at Jamaican events, and that pendant was one of my more prized possessions.


“Too Cool To Care” On Shirt: I’m a firm believer that there is no such thing as somebody who truly does not care what people think. I don’t believe that person exists or ever will exists. On some level, we all want approval from someone even if it is just one person in the whole world. However, I do think that people can operate while not looking for the approval of other people, and at age eighteen, that’s the transition that I was slowly making. Not to say that I looked to please people before, but for however much I once did, that desire was even less now.


iPod: the 20th century symbol as the holder of all things music. I got my first iPod back in 2007 and haven’t looked back since. It is extremely rare that you will find me without my iPod in my possession, especially on college campus. In my description, I said that it’s my love of music: to listen, discuss, promote, and sometimes even make it. All of which served as foreshadowing for the person I am today.

HEADPHONES: Besides the obvious connection with the iPod, the headphones in my ear symbolizes my decision to drown out other people’s opinions and focus more on what’s going on in my head, essentially making my thoughts the top priority.


FACIAL EXPRESSION:My expression is cheerful, optimistic, bright and displays “an enjoyment of entertainment.” This just ties more into the overall character itself. Like I said earlier, I prefer to focus on the more positive, lighter things in life and finding fun in a variety of different things. The face just brings things full circle and is a direct contrast of the more melancholy teddy bear face.

And that’s it. Back to these regularly unscheduled posts.

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