The All Seeing Eye Isn’t Seeing Too Well

I know I have been sporadic with my posts at best lately, and even less consistent with my video blog section, I can’t say I have a good “excuse” but there is legitimate reasons for delay.

Besides just generally being busy with day to day responsibilities, I’ve been having some minor health issues as of late, which has caused me to become somewhat of a temporary hermit.

Now it’s nothing potentially life threatening, thank God, but as my mother recently told me, whenever I catch or come down with something it’s never something small, which is, sadly, very accurate. Just to give an example, there was a time where I caught a rare skin rash that first appears as a big white patch either on your chest or on your butt and is then followed by a series of smaller rashes. You know where I got my big patch? Right on the side of my cheek, you know, so EVERYONE could know that I have it. Skin doctor that diagnosed it said it was the first time he’s ever seen a medical case of it appearing on someone’s face. That, ladies and gentlemen, is usually how I get sick: As uncommon as possible.

So when I woke up two weeks ago, with my right eye swollen almost completely over, and a lovely pus discharge (sorry, not sorry) I thought that I either had pink eye or an eye infection… turns out I had neither. I actually had(have) a stye (pretty normal right?) not on top of my eyelid but under it (not so normal, yet not so strange) right near the edge of my eyelid (delving into the usual abnormal territory at this point) So basically once the swelling and extra goop went away thanks to the wonders of modern medicine, I was left with what looked like big white pimple sitting right next to my eyeball.

Given my vain tendencies,(and just general concern for my own well being) my social life and video blogging came to an abrupt halt. Unless we currently work together, chances are you haven’t “seen” me at all in these past two weeks. I’ve since slowly begun to recover from my stye incident but am now having different eye problems but in the same eye.

Well I just figured I would give you all an update on what’s been going on with me lately. I typed this with my one good eye so.. you know, I’m on the road to recovery. Till next time.

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