Love, Happiness, and Fulfillment

My title for this post are the three words that I posted on my Facebook status about two weeks ago.  The post was this: “Everybody wants three things out of life: happiness, love, and a sense of fulfillment”

I thought it was a good enough ideal to share with the faithful readers of my blog as well as being something that I unquestionably believe is true of every living human being on this planet… However, not everyone will achieve all three things simultaneously in their lifetime.

I’ll get to that thought in a second but first let me explain why I feel those three feelings are universal:


Whether it’s from a family member, a close friend, or a relationship, everyone wants to know that there’s someone that truly cares for them outside of themselves, and when you have something as rare as that, it’s a feeling that is so impossible to replicate that people will do things that most would consider crazy in order to maintain it for as long as possible. Even self proclaimed loners usually have at least one person that they care for very much.


Probably one of the trickiest feelings to obtain and maintain out of the three, mostly because there’s so many different things that can affect you level of happiness. Finally paid off that bill that’s been eating at your pockets for months? Happiness. Getting a brand new bill in the mail the very next week? Easily could put at least a mild damper on that new found happiness. Overall, the goal is to have enough happiness to overcome the times in which happiness can be hard to come by. Easier said than done I know, but that’s how it ultimately works.


The awesome thing about this feeling is that once you can find it, it never goes away. The not so awesome thing is that it’s something you can potentially go your whole life without truly experiencing it. Sure you can have MOMENTS of fulfillment. For example, I found graduation from both high school and college to be a very fulfilling experience each time, but after awhile things pretty much just went back to normal. Can you imagine having a fulfilling LIFE though? Waking up every morning just knowing that everything you do is what you love to do more than anything else? I’m not to sure about love, but I’d like to think happiness would then almost be a byproduct of finding long lasting fulfillment.

Again, I think if people are willing to be honest with themselves, then they can admit that they do want all three of things within their lifetime. However, a couple reasons why I feel like most people won’t have those three things, is because they settle too early, won’t try to even find them, or won’t allow for these things to truly come their way, just to name a few.

Think about it, two out of the three isn’t bad right? I think most people could get by with happiness and love, or just happiness, or just love, maybe even fulfillment and happiness. After all, trying to obtain and maintain all three can take awhile, and none of them are guaranteed, they’re just possible to achieve. I’m not implying that people should indefinitely hold out until they’re able to get all three.. I mean even if you have to achieve one at a time, then by all means do so, but at the same time don’t stop if you know that achieving all three is at least in your grasp. But what do you guys think? Is achieving all three feelings something that everyone should strive for? Or can achieving at least some of them still lead to an overall satisfying life? Let me know in the comments section below.

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