Dreams of A Living Nightmare Episode 2

My overly creative subconscious is back at it again, this time in the form of yet another nightmare, one that I wanted to share with you all while it’s still fresh in my mind.

So as we’ve established in my previous post, and this video, good dreams and bad dreams are mostly subjective since they typically play out according to what we personally like or dislike the most, so again, this dream may not seem like a nightmare to you the reader personally, although it is pretty terrifying to me.

In the beginning of this dream, it plays out over a course of several days, all of which seem real. I’m going about my business, running errands, etc. and I realize that I’m slowly starting to become sick. Now the “sick” feelings seem to show up as minor chest pains, cold like symptoms, etc but nothing that really physically hinders me from doing what I need to do. During a part of the dream, my chest once again starts to hurt and I tell myself “Okay this has gone on long enough, I need to call a doctor when I get home today.”

I continue to walk towards wherever it is I’m going, when suddenly I lose consciousness and collapse onto the pavement.

Oh Lawwd

I wake up in a hospital bed and I’m trying to get my bearings as to where exactly I am. Shortly after, two nurses enter my room, one of whom I recognize as one of my current coworkers who’s currently enrolled in nursing school. They hit me with the “Oh you’re finally awake!” to which I, of course, respond, “How long have I been out?”

Their response is, “You had an accident and slipped into a coma. You originally woke up about a year later, but we couldn’t keep you fully conscious. You’ve been asleep for almost 8 years.”

Now given how real this dream has felt up until this point, I start to freak out. You know how sometimes you can kind of figure out that you’re dreaming but the dream keeps going? I didn’t get that feeling. After all, I remembered passing out onto the pavement, which seems like someone who fell unconscious would remember, even if it happened a long time ago.

So I fly out of my bed, surprised that my legs can even support me after having not moved for so long, although my adrenaline is surging through my body since I’m in such a panic. I tear outside my room, down the hallway, out of the doors of the hospital to the outside and everything looks different.

I’m not saying it’s suddenly a futuristic world or anything like that, but you can roughly imagine what kind of technological improvements may take place in the next 7-10 years. So I’m looking around, mind racing, trying to get a grasp all of what’s possibly happened since I’ve been out. Then I see two of my friends approaching me from the hospital doors and that’s what confirms that everything is true. They were slightly older looking, slightly heavier, and that’s how I knew: This was the truth, this was reality. I was now more or less 32 yrs old, and 8 years of my life had passed me by.

I couldn’t take it. I had a nervous breakdown and a panic attack at the same time and that’s when I finally woke up.

Granted, I think that would pretty much be a scary situation for just about anybody to be in, but I think for me, knowing that the prime of my youth pretty much came and went without me experiencing it and even worse, doing anything with it. Time is priceless, it’s the thing we waste the most of, yet it’s one of those things that we cannot get back no matter what we do and lately… I’ve been trying to make the most of it.

Which would explain why me losing precious time would show up in the form of a nightmare. Once again my subconscious decided to prey on my innermost fears and turn them into a realistic dream…

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