LHF Blogsite Revamp

So ever since I dropped this infamous post, I’ve been doing some thinking. What I’ve been thinking about, is just how accurate that post was, not only in general, but to my life specifically, and even more specifically than that, this blog page.

Serious thinking… Seriously

After all, aside from a few stray blog posts here and there, a majority of my blog posts up until this point has, in fact, usually brought up one of those three elements (Love, Happiness, and Fulfillment) or lack thereof, within the subject matter itself.

Not Quite, But I’ll Take It

So here I am, two years and counting into this blog site, and I still have no “theme” for myself or no way to really brand my site. Sure I tried to expand on the whole “Looking at the World Through My Eyes Thing” but it didn’t work out the way I would’ve liked.. (Too Broad/Obscure/Vague,etc)

So with the relaunch of the blog site under the LHF moniker, instead of a “What random topic is he going to write about next” vibe from my site, you know exactly some of the topics you can look forward to when logging onto it in the future and exactly what kind of site it primarily is. 🙂

Of course there are going to be side posts here and there (especially something cool involving movies) but generally speaking, that’s the “theme” of the blog.It’s risky, it’s different, and it may not work out the way I’d like it to, but I’m willing to give it a shot. During this reconstruction phase, there probably won’t be any new posts for a while, so bear with me until the relaunch.

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