Welcome To Miami…Where Everyone’s Miserable

According to a recent list compiled by Forbes, there’s a new champion city when it comes to inhabitants being utterly miserable, and that city happens to be good ol’ sunshine and nice beaches Miami.

Miami, where your favorite celebrity goes to party and vacation in their summer homes, beat out other cities such as the near bankrupt Detroit, a city which continues to close schools and suffer high unemployment rates as well as high crime rates, with the remaining 3 cities of misery in the top 5 being Flint (Michigan) West Palm Beach(Florida) and Sacramento (California) respectively. I should also note that another South Florida city, Ft. Lauderdale, makes the top ten and according to a recent article by Huffington Post ,Miami is also home to the country’s worst drivers.

As someone who has been a South Florida Resident all his life, and an active South Floridian driver for the past 8 yrs, the only part of this news that comes as a surprise to me is the fact that Florida managed to make number one on both lists.

You always feel that in almost every situation, There’s “Always Somebody That Has It Worse” and that in some other city, people are somehow much more miserable and somehow drive even worse, only to find out that this entire time you were right and that the strangers that you interact with on the day to day, are exactly as miserable as you thought they are, and are actually even worse than you thought.

So what does this all mean? Besides the fact that I now know I’m not crazy, I’m not entirely sure. What happens when you’re living in a city where everyone seems determined to be as unhappy as possible, for reasons that are not entirely their fault? Only makes sense to move right?  Or Stay? Hope that it improves?

I understand that this list changes every year and Miami could very well drop down in ranking dramatically if things were to change, but right now I don’t see it. A place where you can almost feel the growing discontent in the air doesn’t seem too healthy of a future environment.

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