Respect The Curve: Friend Zone Part 2

An interesting question was brought to my attention over the weekend and I felt like it was interesting enough to be addressed. Here’s the question:

“Is it possible for a girl to be friend zoned?”

That answer is a definite yes, in fact my exact answer was ” Absolutely, I’ve escorted a few of them there myself.” Despite women doing most of the curving, there isn’t a woman alive who is above being curved, even it’s solely for the sake of being curved.

I’ve spoken about the friend zone in the past, how guys tend to up there, theories why girls place them there, and options on how to escape, all of which you can read here. However it’s not often enough that we speak about the women who occasionally wind up in that seemingly never ending abyss and the reasons that put them there.

I’ll start by getting the obvious out of the way. As with girls looking at guys, sometimes the girl just doesn’t hold the guy’s interest and there’s absolutely nothing the girl has done/will do/could do to change that outlook. So ladies, if you find that you’ve fallen into this category by default, don’t take it personally since nothing you actually did got yourself placed there.

Obviously, the next step up would then be the girls whose actions are the exact thing that places them in the friend zone, even if those actions are unintentional. I wish I could give some common examples but it really depends on the guy. For me personally, women who make general sweeping statements about men in general get dropped off in the zone very quickly. So if a majority of your ideas about men start off with “All Men are” or some other bitter variation of that phrase, you won’t get too far with me. In a nutshell, you’re saying, ” I need someone to prove that everything I’m saying is wrong” which won’t be me, because 1.) you’re pretty foolish for thinking this way after a handful of experiences and 2.) I don’t have that kind of time. Although that may be one of my personal turn offs, I again say that each guy may have their own reasons. Still hung up on your ex? Curved. Willing to sit and listen to a guy talk about another girl and even offer advice even though you’re secretly interested? Curved. And so on and so forth.

Everyone has to catch at least one

Lastly, you have women who are curved for the sake of being curved. You know the type. Most guys have encountered them and most girls have witnessed them or known them personally (or have been one… yeah, YOU.)

The ones who’ve been getting sweet nothings whispered into their ear for so long that telling them anything other than what they want to hear might send their ego into cardiac arrest. These are the women who sincerely believe that every dude that smiles at them wants to talk to them. Unfortunately for the greater good, most of these women are at least mildly to very attractive, so your average guy isn’t going to try to pop that overinflated ego balloon as much as he’ll probably want to continue gassing her up. I realize this following statement seems petty but sometimes women need to be placed into the friend zone just to be reminded that it can still happen, and no one is exempt.

But what are your thoughts? Is there a place even for women in the Friend Zone? Do you feel that I correctly categorized the most common types of women that frequently end up there? Or am I just completely off? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

2 thoughts on “Respect The Curve: Friend Zone Part 2

  1. Jennifer says:

    All sounds accurate. I’ve been friend zoned. I can count the three males that put me there in their lives, but I know nothing about how to get out of it… positively that is. In life I think we get the chances to take advantage of someone who us weak and call it an opportunity. But if there us anything I see consistant is if someone has one obvious reason to them to not be interested you can’t change it. They just have to one day see you differently.


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