Admit It, You Think You’re Better Than Me

Well maybe not “me” specifically, because come on… That would be ridiculous. 😉 However, we all do think that we’re better than someone else, whether we realize it or not.

I know what you may be thinking, “that can’t possibly be true. I know for a fact that I don’t treat anyone like I’m better than them.” Which is fine, because I don’t either. That doesn’t mean that you don’t think it all the same.

Let me put it to you another way, have you ever used the phrase “Well at least I don’t” in any context? At least you don’t what? Rob people? Live on the street? Work at McDonald’s? You’ve probably used that phrase at least once, whether it be to reassure yourself that you’re a good person, or just to remind yourself that you’re doing better than some poor soul who is doing whatever example you just used to place yourself on an imaginary higher tier.

So now that we’ve all come to terms with this ideal, it kind of puts things into a weird perspective. It poses a question that seems to ask only more questions.  Can someone truly be called humble? and if they can, how do we decide what makes them humble? Do we compare their humility to someone else or is it based on the way they downplay their own skill level?

Any way you look at it, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with thinking and feeling like you’re better than anyone else, as long as you don’t actually ACT like you’re better than anyone else. It’s the way the world works.

When you go into a job interview, the “humble” thing to do is to say to yourself, ” I hope they choose me based on my level of skill, experience, and what I can bring to the table in regards to the job at hand.” What you’re really probably thinking is all that plus “… and I know that all of those things that I possess are better than anyone else who may have applied.” If you didn’t go into interviews thinking that you were the best possible person for the job at hand, why would you ever apply for anything? I’d rather go into things feeling like I’m going to be the best at it (I can only be right or wrong) rather than not think that I’m the best at all (I’d hate to be right in this scenario)

Before you all finish reading this and start self righteously turning up your nose at everyone who you believe unworthy, I felt like I should mention that this only applies to those who feel this way for the right reasons. Money doesn’t make you better than someone else, neither does social status, just the things that are really important. Are you the type of person that sits around waiting on a handout or the one that works towards an opportunity? Do you put your own children before yourself unlike those who don’t? Things like that.

I’d love to know everyone’s thoughts and opinions on this topic. Share your thoughts in the comment box below 😀

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