The Art Of The Thirst Trap

As some of my more faithful readers may know, I like to make sure that everyone reading my posts are on the same page when it comes to the terms being used. So before we even get into the heart of this post, let’s observe the following terms:


A form of lust of or want of members of the opposite sex. This term can refer to both males and females.


Any statement or picture used to intentionally create attention or “thirst”
Woman on Twitter: Who wants to come over and put me to sleep? (Thirst Trap)Men on Twitter: Oh? Check Ur DMs
-Definitions courtesy of
Thirst Traps are funny things. On one hand, some might consider them to be just one more aspect of the flirting game, which is true to an extent. On the other hand, most look at thirst traps as a desperate cry for attention , and those that fall for them as the thirstiest of individuals.
While it’s always possible for both men and women to set thirst traps, the most skilled at thirst traps are women by far, and yes, it IS for all the petty reasons you might think of.
With us men being such naturally visual creatures, it’s actually somewhat hilarious to see what lengths women will go to in order to be subtle about the traps they’re setting.   You might hop on Instagram, or Twitter, (or even Facebook) scroll past a picture with a caption that reads ” I love my new shirt” but then the picture looks like:
Leaving you to respond like so:
Because you’re aware at just how attention craving the picture is, and you’ll either fall for it  or shake your head in pity at the “thirsty” people that do.
What’s even funnier (and definitely confusing) is that most times the people who are setting these traps, don’t seem to want all the attention that comes their way, or at least, they publicly pretend that they don’t.
Now while I understand that it can be unnerving when you’re getting comments from an individual who says they’d like to lick every sweaty crevice of your body in that one gym picture you posted, the intent behind said picture has to be questioned. What’s the gym picture for? a “Good Job! Keep Up the Hard Work” or a “I See the results!” style comment? Either way, you’re looking for some degree of attention.
And by “Gym Picture” I mean “Getting It in at the Gym” caption but the picture looks like:
Being “Thirsty” and the art of the Thirst Trap aren’t limited to online. A lot of it draws inspiration from real life events.  That guy in the gym whose shirt inexplicably has to come off in order for him to fully work out his ripped abs? Thirst Trap. That girl who goes to walk her dog in a tight dress and heels? Thirst Trap. The list of examples goes on and on.
Ultimately,  the idea of what does and doesn’t count as thirst or a thirst trap is still kind of muddled since there are extreme cases on both sides.
Does a guy giving a genuine compliment to a girl fall into the category of thirst just because she isn’t interested? Does a girl posting an attractive picture of herself mean she’s setting a thirst trap? Or is it all in the caption/angle?
As the world moves slowly  but surely to more online interaction when it comes to relationships, is the thirst trap really just the next form of flirtation or have we as a society become so desperate for attention and personal acknowledgement that we continue to find new extreme ways to gain attention? Or maybe I’m just thinking about this too hard and should focus on getting my online thirst trapping skills up to par…

2 thoughts on “The Art Of The Thirst Trap

  1. Tremz says:

    lmbo! so true I pity them I dont care how attractive you are thats not cute lol!


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