Super Saiyan Surround Sound

A brief look into my Netflix “recently Watched” section will tell you everything you need to know about my love for nostalgia.

What I enjoy more than reliving certain parts of my childhood through old TV shows and films is seeing them brought to the present, especially when it’s not in the form of a soulless remake or a “sequel” that only exists because the producers felt the need to milk the series for all it was worth while preying on the fanbase and their respective wallets.

So even in 2013, when the 18th Dragonball film(Battle of gods) in 17 years saw a release on the big screen in Japan, I was skeptical, especially since the recent releases of anything related to the series was as serious of a milking if I’ve ever seen one. Hollywood even tried to sell a subpar, live action movie based off of the name and character’s alone, a film that disturbingly made enough money to potentially green light a sequel.

We are talking “The Last Airbender” level of bad here

Thankfully, the Japanese know how to treat their audience right, and released an animated film whose creative direction, for better or worse, was overseen by the original Dragonball author. The end result was a slightly better than okay film that I was almost positive was either A.) not coming to America or B.) Coming to America in the most butchered way possible…

America did end up being one of the last countries to get the rights to the film, but the roll out was done SO right. It was coming to America, in actual theaters, and was going to be dubbed by the original English cast of the show.

My Inner Child when I heard the news

Nostalgia influenced or not, it has always been a childhood dream of mine to watch a Dragonball Z movie in theaters, to the point that it didn’t even matter which one it was. (yup even bio broly   🙄 ) Only a shockingly horrible and instantly life changing moment could have kept me out of the theater this week.

I have my reasons for why Battle of Gods isn’t the greatest of DBZ films (it is quite possibly the funniest of them all though)but being able to sit in a good sized theater surrounded by dozens of other fans while seeing and hearing Kamehameha waves being fired in surround sound made my 10 yr old inner child and 25 yr old self very happy. Now where did I put that bucket list…?

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