It’s The Cons Fool! [Supercon Recap]

It’s been more than a month since the event took place but I was recently reminded that I’d planned to do an official recap of this year’s Supercon, and to make up for it, I’ll include photos from the first ever Supercon I attended (since I never did a recap for that one eitherĀ  šŸ˜³ )

The first time I ever went to a convention was back in 2009 for my 20th birthday. I’d heard about it the year before, and I decided that I would go (at least once) just to see what it was all about. Naturally, nobody else would go with me because of general perceptions (people who normally attend conventions like these are generally seen as “nerds” because.. you know… ignorance) but luckily for me I was already beginning to see how little people’s perceptions matter when it comes to what you know to be true about yourself. I like anime/manga and I’ve always enjoyed comic books so I went… and ended up having an amazing time.

20 yr old Selfie

If you’ve ever read comic books, watched cartoons, or play video games on the regular, you could find something to enjoy there. Sure they had stuff for people who are REALLY into any of those things I listed, but even if you were a casual fan of everything, you could find something worth checking out while you were there. It would be another 5 years before I went again.

Deadpool and Black Widow

Disney Throwback





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