LA Times: Tales From The Westside

So we’ve officially reached week 3 of my move to California. Despite my best efforts, I don’t have any great (or not so great) audition stories to share with you all… yet.

As nice as it would’ve been to be fully prepared for this move (already signed to agencies, got an agent on speed dial, etc) I decided to put all my focus on securing those things once I moved over here… and even though that’s what I’ve been doing, it’s been a slow reception so far, so I’m just continuing to chip away at it.

In my downtime, I’ve just been driving around trying to get a feel of my new city. First thing on my agenda was to find a place to get a decent haircut.

From what I’d heard from my friends, getting a simple haircut could easily cost $25-30 which is literally DOUBLE the price I’m used to paying at home, and that’s INCLUDING Tip. So I did a little driving around and ended up at a place that’s only 5 mins away from where I live.

Old Fashion Barber Shop

It’s the most misleading barber shop that I’ve ever seen. I walked into a place called “Old Fashion Barbershop” expecting to see:

but really I saw:

Which had ME like:

But I was relieved because I felt like now if I asked for a “Low Boy” they would actually know what I mean… A half Hour and $15 (yeahhhhh that’s right) later I’ve found my new haircut spot.


From there, it was a journey to find some familiarity. Where I grew up in Miami, I was so used to places being “right down the street” both figuratively and literally that when I got here and found out that the closest thing to me is a Library (in comparison to a Ross, Wal-Mart, A shopping mall, etc back home) it just added to the culture shock of it all.

Even still, I found, and was told about, some really cool places.

LA Cinemark


Firstly, there’s a Cinemark where I went to go watch Ant-Man… in 3D… while sitting in a recliner seat… for NINE Dollars

Unheard of where I’m from. In fact, it’s probably hard to believe for some California Natives as well.

Found a Barnes and Nobles, Found a Wal-Mart (that isn’t 45 mins away) I even found a shopping mall that reminds me a lot of the Aventura Mall back home.. it’s just that this one is 30 mins away… I also have to shout out the Krispy Kreme that happened to appear when I needed it the most… shortly after I got myself lost.

I capped off my little sight seeing journey with a trip to “Backside Records” which is now the only place I know that sells Vinyls, C.D.s AND Cassette Tapes which is Dope. From here on out, the tourism aspect is over and it’ll all be focusing strictly on hard work.

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