LA Times: One Month Down, A Lifetime to Go…

So it’s unofficially Official… As of August 9th, I’ll officially have been in Los Angeles for a month.

It’s only been 30 days and already so much has happened.

Since last week’s update, I started my first week, weekend, first two days at my part-time job… a weekend that was cut short thanks to my kidney stones.

I won’t go into too much detail about my history of stones, I’ve already written about it here if you’re interested.. Despite my year and a half attempt to prevent any further stones, I’d gone to my lunch break at work, ate my lunch, and was getting ready to come back until I felt an all too familiar pain on my right side. There have been times where I’ve felt pains that ended up being nothing more than cramps, but when you know, you KNOW.

In the past, I’ve tried to hold out for as long as I can, thinking that maybe, just maybe, one of these painkillers that I’m prescribed whenever this happens will actually work and hold me over long enough to avoid a hospital trip. I’ve learned the hard way that my steely resolve doesn’t seem to pull through to the end. In this case, I asked to leave early and drove myself straight to the emergency room.

The dark,yet funny side to this experience, was how familiar I am with the hospital procedure for kidney stones… You check in, and tell them you feel like you’re being constantly stabbed in the kidney, but they want you to fill out paperwork, find out whether or not you have insurance, then have you still wait in the hospital bed until the doctor decides to hit you with the drugs that you will UNDOUBTEDLY need.


Then once you’re mellowed out, they take you for a CT scan just to confirm what you already knew( it’s a kidney stone), and then prescribe you a pain-killer that is nowhere near as powerful as you’ll need for pain once the hospital grade drugs wear off. Then you’re discharged and hit with a bill a few weeks later.

Once I recovered from the side effects, I had a sit down with my housemate, who’s a voice over artist, and got a rundown of EVERYTHING that it takes to be a voice actor… which was exciting and depressing (Because it’s so much WORK) at the same time. It’s something that’s caught my eye as an actor for a long time, and I still want to do it, but it might have to fall to the back burner until I can get certain things established for myself as an actor.

Like finding an agent/agency/management team.

Mannn, the struggle is REAL. Not to make light of Miami in any way, but the level of professionalism required to get anyone to take you seriously out here is something that I’ve had to constantly readjust and adapt to. I’m still adapting to it. I went to my first agency audition yesterday, super nervous, and did the best I could.. I feel good about it, but time will tell if they were impressed enough to consider taking me on as a client.

Lastly, I of course had to take a trip to the movie theaters to catch the latest Dragonball Z film. Anyone who knows me, knows that I watched every possible spoiler before the film was released but I still went to see it anyway, because let’s face it, who isn’t a sucker for memories from their childhood?

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