Tales From The Westside: DaGreat Keys To Success

I’ve never been able to understand social media.

I mean, I understand the basics behind it all. Why Twitter works the way does, What makes for a good Instagram follow (here’s a hint, be an attractive woman) what makes for a good Facebook story, and so on and so on.

What I’m still working on understanding is how to showcase my personality in a way that interests people outside of my personal circle of friends. Sometimes I wonder if I’m even doing a good job with that, there’s been plenty of times where friends will tell me, “Omg Anthony I didn’t know you were so funny/ Smart/ Good Looking  😎 ” and I’m just like:

But clearly, it’s not all that obvious and I need to become better at showcasing who I am as a person in a way that makes more people want to relate to me, instead of it being a situation where it seems like I want their attention for Attention’s Sake.

With my careers of choice, I often get asked if I’m looking to be famous. My answer is “Yes I do want to become famous, but I’m not pursuing my career just for the fame it brings.” In this day and age, where literally almost anything can go viral and gain a dedicated following, why would I pursue two of the hardest career paths just for some fame?

It didn’t make my list of resolutions in my last “Tales From The Westside” Post, but one of my personal goals is to become a source of positive thinking and ideals, mostly for myself, but by doing so I can then pass on that way of thinking to other people. I also want that power to be able to push “the button” on people or things that I feel deserve a level of shine… that reason in itself was the underlying motivation which led me to start Artistic Visionaries in the first place.

Anthony Ryan Grant Head Shot

But for all that to happen, I need a certain level of influence, and as we all are well aware, people can gain a scary level of influence when they achieve a certain level of fame.

Overall, I’ve decided that I want to proactively work towards getting used to the idea of “Fame” along with the pros and cons that it brings. I’m trying to achieve a certain level of transparency with my life that I can be comfortable with, so when “All Eyes are On Me” I know how to still move around and still feel comfortable with the feeling of “Everyone” Watching.

So I write on this blog (which makes it to Facebook) I’m taking pictures of myself everyday for my 365 Photo Challenge (Which is exclusively on Instagram… and Tumblr lol) Every now and then I remember to actually Tweet instead of just scrolling my Timeline, and I’m now on Snapchat, dropping thoughts, stories, and  “DaGreat Keys to Success” and I have plans for YouTube in the near future. This is the year that I really want to invite you all to journey with me through certain windows of my personal life: Stories of Triumph, temporary defeat, and as many smiles and laughs that I can squeeze in between all of that..

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