Tales From The Westside: Broke Phi Broke Part 2

As Amazing as it would’ve felt to start this “Broke Phi Broke” Part 2 off by stating that I had a complete turn around of all the not so good things that happened to me with nothing but blessings on blessings, I realize that we haven’t reached that part of my journey just yet, so in the mean time I’ll just soak in and shout out all the small victories/turnarounds that happened.

Also if you missed Part 1 you can just catch up Here.

Turnaround #1:

I remember asking myself aloud, “Where is the money going to come from to pay for this mirror?”( The Mirror that Broke in my Previous Post) The answer? This paycheck my job is paying out a holiday surplus bonus that matches the cost of repair to my car almost to the DOLLAR. I may not have any extra, but I don’t have any less.

Turnaround #2:

I’ve been taking this 4 week acting Class to help refine my acting skills/Auditing Skills as well as add some additional training to my resume. Acting Classes in LA aren’t cheap, in fact, some of them rival the cost of headshots (which can also be expensive) and because I need them to get myself into more audition rooms, I decided I was going to credit card swipe my way into my first class of the year.

Well this past week, my manager informed me that she’d spoken to my teacher about my current financial situation and that he decided to waive the cost of the classes for me!!!

Now he really has no reason to do this, especially since he’s only known me forĀ 3 weeks, but I know that God was looking out on my behalf and whether you believe in Him or not, I can say that it was nothing but His blessings/favor that allowed for that decision to be made.

Turnaround #3:

So my roommate’s parents were in town for the week… and I didn’t know what to expect at first. The only real concern of mine was that the Four of us were going to have to share one bathroom.. Other than that I can pretty much get along with most personality types (I’d like to think)

It was interesting, because his mom has a… very strong personality, BUT she was SUPER nice, and I honestly felt like I’d been unknowingly adopted during the week they were here. They bought us groceries, took us to the movies, and his mom made sure our entire apartment was virtually SPOTLESS (I still can’t find certain things… but I know that they’re clean)

It’s been some time since I’ve had someone constantly provide that kind of “Parental care” for me out here so being able to come home from work and having a home cooked meal done by someone with actual cooking experience (Obviously Not Me) was a real good feeling to have with everything that has happened here lately. Did I mention that one of my neighbors also hit me with a plate of Ribs and a Cheddar Biscuit this past weekend…? Oh Man)

Overall, I really feel like the pathway to a prosperous season is going to open up, and I just need to stay focused on the good, despite the bad doing its best to keep up. In the words of the All Knowing Sage aka DJ Khaled: “Ride With Me On The Journey to More Success.”

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