Tales From The Westside: Back To The Uphill Climb

So it’s been two weeks since I got back to LA, and things have gotten off to a really good start, mostly due to positive thinking and staying active and aware.

To clarify a little bit more, I recently decided to start keeping a “Wants and Needs” list on my wall, mostly to keep note of material things that I’d like to own at some point while being over here…

When I say “Material Things” I don’t mean a Playstation 4 and all its accessories (even though a PS4 did make my list) but really just some things that would enhance my general living experience..

For example, I’d done a Instagram post a few weeks back about getting a mattress from my friend Cedric, which in itself is great, but really it was important because since I’d escaped from Sunland, I’d been sleeping on an Air Mattress (Probably the most comfortable air mattress that I’ve ever slept on) which is all good, but nothing compares to having a sturdy, actual MATTRESS to sleep on.

Once I got the mattress, I of course needed something to prop it up on, whether it be a bed spring or bed frame, and I ended up getting both of those things for free thanks to some Savvy Internet Browsing.

Internet Browsing

Since then it’s been a small momentum of fairly good things happening, again, driven by positive thinking, prayer, and just staying alert.

I was able to get a little book-case, which allowed me to finally free the books, video games, and DVDs that I had crammed into various cardboard boxes over these past few months. My room is now starting to look like MY. ROOM. and not some temporary housing situation within an apartment… All of this change has taken place post me making this list for myself and keeping it in a place that I can see daily.

I mean there’s been some not so good stuff as well (yet another parking ticket, catching yet another cold) but ultimately these first two weeks back have been really good to me; a lot of small blessings that I’m looking forward to being the start of something bigger..

My next goals on my list is more exploration of LA and making more time for my friends, while also attempting to make new ones.

There’s been too many occasions where I find myself at home, always with something to do, but never really any place to go, mostly because I don’t really know of any new places worth exploring. Hopefully by this next update, I will have already begun to remedy this and have much more to talk about besides my newly acquired interior designing skills.

-Anthony Ryan Grant

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