Tales From The Westside: A Series Of Random Events

I told myself I was going to get back into a rhythm with these Tales From The Westside and that’s exactly what I plan to do… With that being said:

Living Life in Fast Forward:

So one of my good friends had come over to LA about two weeks ago because his artist had a Los Angeles stop on his West Coast Tour. I was at work and by the time I got over there, the entire show had ended.

However, I ended up having a real in depth conversation with one of the photographers over there and she mentioned something that really stuck with me:

“Living in here in LA feels like you’re constantly moving in Fast Forward compared to everyone else back home.”

If that isn’t one of the biggest quotes of truth I’ve gotten since I’ve moved here…

It’s the perfect metaphor to describe the feeling that I’ve had since I arrived in LA. There’s always something that I need to “catch up on.” I find myself going to sleep at 2-3 a.m. in the morning because a lot of times I’ll get home from work around 11 p.m. and have to do a bunch of necessities before I go to sleep, whether it be something as simple as washing dishes or submitting all my necessary auditions for the day..

To an extent, I still feel like I haven’t quite hit the groove just yet, which is crazy to think about because I’ll have lived here for a year as of July.. It feels like just the other day I was getting off the plane with no idea about where anything was and what I needed to do first.

I still haven’t taken in all the sights… I don’t even know where all the good art museums are at. It can be a little overwhelming..

But I’m going to stick it through until it all works out

Blog Features and Karaoke:

So because the Internet is a cool and random place, I got an email from a Tumblr Blog Site that features Men Who are glasses wearers. Thinking back, I probably should’ve asked how they found my page… However the site seemed legit and after some delays on my end, I finally got all the information in and got my feature on Spexy and He Knows it:


Also, some may not know this about me but I love to sing.. I just don’t have much singing talent. I’m a stubborn guy though so I don’t let my lack of ability stop me, and decided to go out with some coworkers to sing Karaoke last week.

You’d think with enough practice I could improve into a half decent singer, but it’s become very clear that my improvements will not be self taught… Even still, I had a really good time and I was impressed at how many songs that Karaoke Bar had.. A to be continued story for sure..

Finding that ONE Barber:

I don’t know why this is a thing… but it’s hard for me as a black man to get a decent haircut out here in L.A.

What makes this even more crazy is that there’s no shortage of black people in LA, yet a lot of the barbers I’ve been too have “never cut black hair.”

Thanks to that, my actual hairline was lost in space as the different barbers I tried just seemed to give it their best shot at cutting AGAINST my actual hairline. I don’t have a receding hairline, just a widow’s peak (aka a ‘Vegeta’) and for some reason that presents a serious level of difficulty for a lot of the barbers out here.


To date, the best haircut I’ve gotten out here was done by a woman who has an amazing attention to detail when it comes to my head. Unfortunately, I ended up moving, so she’s not as close to my location as she used to be but if this keeps up, it may very well be worth the drive to keep getting haircuts that don’t require me to grow my hairline back every few weeks.

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