My First Ever Billboard! [2018]

I know it’s been a while since my last update (this honestly might be my new opening line at this point) but as some may know by now, whenever I get refocused the first place I turn to is my website and then everything else tends to follow.

With that being said, I’m hype to return to writing with an update like this! Back in early August, I’d booked a print gig for the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. For those who don’t know, Print Work is essentially pictures taken for the promotion of a project or product.

Long story short, I was doing still photography to help sell the job hiring promotions that the LADWP is currently running. At the time, the supervisor of the project joked about how we actors would probably see our faces on a billboard in a few weeks. Having been a part of a few promising projects that failed to materialize in the past, I didn’t really give her words any additional thought at the time.


Fast forward to roughly two months later, and as I’m driving back home from the gym I pull up to a red light and started glancing around at my surroundings like I normally would. My view shifts over to the bus stop to the right of me, where I’m looking at a picture of a black man dressed in LADWP gear and I realize that it’s ME.

Anthony Ryan Grant LADWP

The light turns green and I immediately pull over and get out of my car to take a closer look… It definitely WAS me.


I’ll be honest, after I took a bunch of pictures and filmed my reaction for social media, I got back into my car and I cried. I think the biggest emotional overwhelming element of it all was that I immediately thought back to when I first moved to LA, and I would drive past all the various billboards with different actors advertising for everything from movies to cleaning products and thinking to myself that I would love to get a point where I could be on a billboard as well…and then that moment came.

Ultimately, I know I still have a long way to go in my career, but this just fell like the right battery to put into my back to set me back on my path to my goal. Los Angeles can wear on your mind, body, and soul, so I was just so grateful to have what felt like a mini breakthrough in my career. I’m looking forward to see where things go from here.

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