EPMT – AWAKE [2021]

Getting into the Entertainment Industry, you here over and over (and OVER!) again about how important it is to have relationships and make relationships within the industry itself.

Now this idea is simple and straightforward in theory but it’s also one of those more obscure pieces of advice you can get. Of course you want to make relationships in the industry, especially when they’re organic, but how do you navigate the relationships as they’re being built? I’m not normally a person who will ask for a favor, nor am I someone who uses a “what can I get out of this relationship?” mentality to navigate through it.

To be honest, it’s something I’m still trying to figure out but I say all that to say that having organic relationships can benefit in unexpected ways… like in the case of this EPMT commercial.

I won’t go into step by step detail, but the director, Nate Cuboi, reached out to me to be involved in this streetwear commercial he was putting together. He and I had worked together more than a few times on previous projects so I agreed to be apart of it, and what resulted was one of the most visually impressive commercials that I’ve been involved in so far. Definitely grateful for the opportunity and the experience.